At a special ceremony today, the current President of the National Statistical Institute, Sergey Tsvetarski, handed over the office to the newly elected head of the Bulgarian statistics, Assoc. Prof. Atanas Atanasov, PhD. He passed in to the new NSI President the Decree of Prince Ferdinand issued in 1897, which established the Directorate of Statistics of the Bulgarian Principality. ‘I hand it in as a reminder for the responsibility of each principal of the national statistics so that it be at the necessary high level’, said Tsvetarski.
Assoc. Prof. Atanasov outlined the main priorities in the statistics ahead. Among them are cooperation with the rest authorities, higher schools, media and all users of information. NSI should be maximum open to all of them, he said. He highlighted as another key priority that his aspiration is for national statistics to use more and newer technological solutions and interdisciplinary methods.
He gave in to his predecessor Sergey Tsvetarski a diploma for his contribution for the development of statistics during the last eight years, for the successfully completed mandate and for the succession in such an important institution for the country. The previous NSI President was awarded with a plaque on the occasion of 140 years of Bulgarian statistics and a book on the history of Bulgarian fine arts.
Tsvetarski defined NSI as the authority that writes the digital history of a state and reminded that without history nobody has future.