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Regional GDP per capita in the EU in 2015

Friday, 31 March 2017 - 14:30

In 2015, regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards, ranged from slightly less than 30% of the European Union (EU) average in the Bulgarian region of Severozapaden, to 580% of the average in Inner London - West in the United Kingdom.

This information is taken from data released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, January 2017

Friday, 31 March 2017 - 11:00

In January 2017 compared to December 2016 an increase is reported for the production of electricity - by 3.5%. At the same time a decrease is reported for the production of solid fuels by 5.0%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 8.3%, transport diesel - by 6.9%, natural gas - by 20.0%. No change is reported for the production of liquefied petroleum gases.

In January 2017 compared to December 2016 an increase is reported for the deliveries of natural gas by 15.8% and electricity - by 15.2%. At the same time a decrease is reported for the deliveries of solid fuels - by 4.4%, liquefied petroleum gases - by 13.6%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 24.0% and transport diesel by 27.4%.

Statistical domain

Producer Price Indices in Industry, February 2017

Thursday, 30 March 2017 - 11:00

Total Producer Price Index in February 2017 increased by 1.0% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2016 the prices rose by 5.9%. Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in February 2017 grew by 0.6% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2016 the domestic prices ran up by 2.9%.

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in February 2017

Tuesday, 28 March 2017 - 11:00

In February 2017, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 366.8 thousand or by 30.4% above the registered in February 2016. The trips with other purposes (as a guest, education and visit the cultural and sport events) in February 2017 composed the greatest share of the total number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad - 55.0%, followed by the trips with professional purpose - 26.1%, and with holiday and recreation purpose - 18.9%.

In February 2017, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 435.9 thousand or by 20.4% more in comparison with February 2016. An increase was registered in the trips by all observed purposes: with other purposes - by 25.6%, with professional purpose - by 18.7%, and with holiday and recreation purpose - by 16.8%.

Statistical domain

Activity of accommodation establishments in January 2017

Monday, 13 March 2017 - 11:00

In January 2017, 1 797 accommodation establishments - hotels, motels, camping sites, mountain chalets and other establishments for short-term accommodation with more than 10 bed-places were functioned in the country. The total number of the rooms in them was 54.5 thousand and the bed-places were 109.5 thousand. In comparison with January 2016 the total number of accommodation establishments (functioned during the period) decreased with 1.8%, and the bed-places in them - by 1.7%.

The total number of the nights spent in all accommodation establishments registered in January 2017 was 802.0 thousand, or by 1.2% less in comparison with the same month of the previous year.

The total revenues from nights spent in January 2017 reached 41.6 million BGN or by 5.5% more compared to January 2016.

Statistical domain