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NSI President Reneta Indjova, Ph.D. will participate in a meeting of the European Statistical System Committee

Published at: 23.05.2012 - 09:00
The President of NSI Reneta Indjova, Ph.D. will participate in the 13th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC), to be held on 23-24 May 2012 at Eurostat, Luxembourg. ESSC consults the Commission on issues related to the coordination and priorities of the European Statistical Programme, further development of the Code of Practice, reduction of response burden, statistical confidentiality and methodological issues, arising from the establishment and implementation of statistical programmes.
The Agenda of the upcoming ESSC meeting includes discussions on the draft Annual Statistical Work Programme 2013 and ESSnet projects to be carried out in 2013. The proposals for the reform of Intrastat and the way forward for international trade in services will also be considered. Some other topics for discussion are related to the vertical integration of EU statistics, improving the efficiency in the statistical production process, and the draft Commission Regulation as regards access to confidential data for scientific purposes, including the procedures accompanying the draft Regulation.
The Agenda items also cover presentation of the report on the last meeting of the Partnership Group, report of the Danish EU Presidency and basic priorities of the next Presidency (Cyprus).
Mrs. Indjova will also take part in the following two events, organized back-to-back with the 13th meeting of the ESSC:
• Seminar on process integration and international trade statistics, 23 May 2012;
• Workshop on Commitments on Confidence in Statistics, 25 May 2012.