A delegation from the Central Statistical Office of Poland, headed by the President – Mr. Josef Olenski, was on official visit to BNSI (21-24 March 2010). The President was accompanied by Mr. Krzysztof Jakobik – Director of the Statistical Office in Cracow, Mr. Stanislav Kaminski - Director of the Statistical Office in Wroclaw and Mr. Marek Mroczkowski – Head of International Relations.
The objective of the visit was to further promote the development of the bilateral cooperation between the two institutions and exchange experience in the field of collection, production and dissemination of statistical information on national and regional level and also as regards the development of the National statistical systems as part of the European and World statistical system.
The delegation had a meeting with the BNSI Head Office Directors and Heads of divisions on 23rd March 2010, at which Mrs. Kotzeva made a presentation on “Perspectives and Challenges to the National Statistical System in Bulgaria”. Mr. Olenski, on his side made also a presentation on GUS activities and main projects.