In May 2023, the National Statistical Institute started work on the project ‘Development of Guidelines for environmental statistics and accounts and pilot implementation for Environmental goods and services sector data revision’ under the terms of a Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 101112756 - 2022-BG-EGD.
The project consists of two work packages (WPs):
WP1. Development of Guidelines for environmental statistics and accounts
WP1 aims at the development of a single written document containing all-in-one methodological and practical guidance for environmental statistics and accounts production, taking into account results from previous projects. It will be a practical tool for effective and efficient management, according to the European statistics code of practice.
The expected result from the Guidelines’ implementation is ensuring transparency of the statistical activity as well as comparability, consistency, accuracy and reliability of environmental statistical data. This will contribute to data quality and comparability improvement at the national and European levels in the long term.
WP2. Environmental goods and services sector data revision
WP2 aims at revising environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) data in the full time series for reporting under Regulation 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts. The work will be based on the results of the project ‘Development of the methodology for accounts for environmental goods and services’ (ESTAT-2019-PA5-E-ENVECO) successfully completed in 2019. It was implemented for 2019 and the following years EGSS data production and reporting to Eurostat. The current project will use the updated EGSS methodology for the 2014 - 2018 data revision.
The expected result is to ensure the consistency and quality of the data reported by Bulgaria, which will ensure comparability and quality at the European level.
The project’s duration is 18 months, and it will end in October 2024.