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BNSI is among the 8 leaders in the usage of Big data in official statistics

Published at: 19.06.2019 - 17:30
How should the ESS webscraping policy for the enterprises look like with information scraped from their own websites and what methodological framework should be implemented by the EU member states - these issues were discussed for two days by experts from the national statistical institutes of Austria, UK, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria and a Eurostat representative. The meeting, which was held on 17th and 18th June 2019 at the premises of BNSI, is part of the ESSnet on Big data II project. For two years statisticians from the European countries, divided in 8 work packages with different tasks, will seek solutions how the different Big data sources could be used for the production of the official statistics.

Bulgaria is a leader for the work package for webscraping for enterprise characteristics, in which 9 member states participate. Within the meeting the countries presented what methods and means they have applied so far for webscraping data and processing and analyzing them. ‘BNSI started to work on this task 3 years ago as we used Italian and Polish software at first, but later we developed our own. The best assessment for the results achieved by us is that our partners chose us for a leader of the team for webscraping for enterprises from their own websites’, announced Dr. Galya Stateva, a state expert at General Methodology, Analysis and Coordination of Statistical Surveys Directorate.

In its overall activity the National statistical institute has always strived to be up-to-date with the modern tendencies of the world statistics, said Sergey Tsvetarsky, BNSI President and emphasized that the usage of Big data in the official statistics is one of the priorities of the Bulgarian statistics leadership and one of the greatest challenges in front of the statistics on a global scale.