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International seminar on the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to be held at the NSI

Published at: 17.10.2017 - 15:30
An international seminar on topic ‘The European Statistical System - Running the Council Presidency within the ESS’ will be held at the National Statistical Institute from 18 to 20 October 2017.

The trainers will be Mr. Kim Voldby Pedersen and Ms. Jannie Eriksen from Statistics Denmark, which has specialised in providing such trainings and has conducted many courses in Member States before they assume the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. The last two courses were held in Malta and Estonia. Apart from the NSI Presidency team, the seminar will be attended by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the National Revenue Agency, and the Bulgarian National Bank, the President of the Romanian National Institute of Statistics, and the Heads of the International Relations Units of the Romanian and Austrian NSIs.

The aim of the seminar is to acquaint participants with the preparation and holding of meetings and with the institutional and procedural context as a basis for running the Presidency of the Council of the EU and for managing working groups. The overall process of holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU and the challenges faced by the Presidency teams will be addressed.

Role plays on presiding the Council working groups will be conducted during the seminar.

Mr. Kim Voldby Pedersen has been at the head of Statistics Denmark’s Management Office for many years and together with his colleague Ms. Jannie Eriksen has extensive experience in the process of EU decision-making.