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Project "Improvement of water statistics - Improvement of internal data flow on water in Bulgaria"

Published at: 18.02.2013 - 11:30
NSI has started the project "Improvement of water statistics - Improvement of internal data flow on water in Bulgaria" in accordance with the Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 50303.2012.001-2012.550.
The objectives of the project are to synchronize administrative and statistical data flows on water in Bulgaria, improving the exchange and usability of administrative information for statistical purposes by applying principles of good statistical practice.
The objectives will be achieved through standardization of indicators and definitions, implementation of standard international classifications and national registries, development and implementation of appropriate approaches in the process of organizing, data collection and processing of data on water - well-grounded methodology and appropriate statistical procedures applied on stages from data collection to data validation.
By creating administrative and statistical information flows based on clearly defined responsibilities it is expected to improve the completeness, quality and transparency of water information at national and regional levels, optimization of systems for data collection, reducing the burden of respondents and more efficient use of resources.
The duration of the project is 18 months.