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The NSI President Reneta Indjova, Ph.D. will participate in the 15th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee

Published at: 14.11.2012 - 12:10
The NSI President Reneta Indjova, Ph.D. will participate in the 15th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC), which will be held in the premises of Eurostat in Luxembourg on 15 November 2012. This is the last, fourth meeting this year of ESSC, chaired by Eurostat and attended by the Heads of National Statistical Offices of the Member States and representatives of EFTA countries, ECB and OECD. The previous meeting was held in late September in Prague, the Czech Republic.
The ESS Committee provides professional guidance to the ESS for developing, producing and disseminating European statistics in line with the statistical principles. The ESSC consults Eurostat on issues related to the coordination and priorities of the European statistical programme, further development of the European Statistics Code of Practice, reduction of response burden, statistical confidentiality, and issues of methodology, arising from the establishment and implementation of the statistical programmes.
According to the agenda, the ESSC members will vote on four comitology items: Draft Commission regulation for the labour force sample survey, for the International Standard Classification of Education, for the micro-data files for the transmission of data and for access to confidential data for scientific purposes.
ESSC will provide an opinion on five more questions related to the strategic priorities for the Annual Work Programme 2014 and the priority setting for the European Statistical System, the ESS VIPs Programme (Vision Infrastructure Projects), the revised rules of procedure for the ESSC, the ESS agreement on the 2014 LFS ad hoc module on the labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants, the ESS agreement on a pilot data collection regarding the measure of learning mobility via household surveys.
Further discussions will be held with a focus on cooperation between the European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), the Annual Work Programme for 2013 of the European Statistical Advisory Committee, monitoring the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice, the next round of peer reviews and other strategic documents.