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A team from the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia on a study visit to NSI in the field of Energy Statistics

Published at: 04.07.2011 - 16:15
On 4-6 July 2011, NSI experts will train their colleagues from the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia on Energy Statistics.
The hosting NSI unit providing the expertise is the Environment and Energy Statistics Department. A representative of the Executive Environment Agency, Ms Evelina Nikolova – national inventory focal point, will also take part in the training.
The discussions will be focused on the following topics:
• Statistical legislation related to energy statistics

• Main characteristics of the Bulgarian monthly energy data collection systems:
- The monthly solid fuels survey

- The monthly natural gas survey

- The monthly electricity survey

- The monthly oil and petroleum products survey
• CHP statistics

• Natural gas and electricity prices

• Energy statistics data for consumption in the households and other sectors

• Air emissions
This is the second study visit organized within the framework of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) of the European Commission whose beneficiaries are the countries from the Balkan Region.

NSI is willing to provide expert assistance in other statistical fields as well.