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Communication as a tool for improving the statistical literacy will be the focus of a high level summit in Hungary

Published at: 10.06.2011 - 14:10
The President of BNSI Dr. Mariana Kotzeva will participate in the traditional high-level meeting organized by the statistical office of the country holding the EU presidency. The theme is "Communicating Statistical Information - a tool for improving statistical Culture”. The forum will be held on 9 and 10 June, 2011 in Visegrad, Hungary.
The meeting will be opened by Director General of Eurostat, Mr. Walter Radermacher. Besides the heads of statistical institutions of the EU, participants in the meeting are representatives of the statistical department of UN for Europe, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, European Central Bank and other international organizations.
Due to the great interest and numerous inquiries from the European statistics about the successfully conducted census in Bulgaria, Dr. Mariana Kotzeva will participate with a report on the good experience of Bulgaria in the conduct of censuses till now and differences in Census 2011.
The report presents explanatory work for the largest survey in its different stages - preliminary, preparatory and core stage, as well as the information campaign on the Internet census, which was implemented for the first time in our country and passed with great success.
Special attention was paid to the interaction between NSI, local government and media to achieve the main goal - winning the confidence and opening people’s doors for enumerators.
The main panels of the conference are:
1. Statistical literacy and European democracy
2. The responsibility of statisticians and users of statistics
3. Trust in institutions, trust in statistics, statistical literacy
During the two days meeting issues related to the statistical culture and provision of accessible and understandable information, as a means of increasing confidence in European statistics will be discussed.