Population and Demographic Processes 2007
The National Statistical Institute presents the annual publication Population and demographic processes 2007 to users of statistical information.
The issue is bilingual (Bulgarian/English) and contains detailed statistical information about the demographic state in the Republic of Bulgaria during the year of 2007. Data for the number and the structures of the population and for its natural movement and internal migration are published in the issue.
Employment and Unemployment No. 2/2008
The National Statistical Institute presents the electronic bulletin Employment and Unemployment - 2/2008 to its users.
The bulletin is a quarterly electronic publication of the National Statistical Institute, presenting the results from the Labour force survey. The Labour force survey is a sample statistical survey on households for examination of the economic activity of the population aged 15 years and over.
The methodology of the survey has been developed according to ILO and Eurostat recommendations.
Sustainable Development of Bulgaria 2007
The National Statistical Institute offers to the users of statistical information the new annual publication Sustainable Development of Bulgaria 2007. The issue is bilingual (Bulgarian/English) and is structured in sections and subsections, as each subsection contains short analytical text and charts.
The information is systematized in the following sections:
• Socioeconomic development;
• Sustainable consumption and production;
Employment and Unemployment No. 1/2008
The National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the electronic publication Employment and Unemployment - 1/2008.
The issue is a quarterly electronic publication of the National Statistical Institute, presenting the results from the Labour Force Survey. The Labour Force Survey is a sample statistical survey on households for examination of the economic activity of the population aged 15 years and over.
The methodology of the survey has been developed according to ILO and Eurostat recommendations.
Population 2007
The National Statistical Institute informs users of statistical information that the bilingual publication (in English and Bulgarian) Population 2007 is already available. The issue contains information on the demographic status of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2007. Data on the number of the population by sex and age as well as its natural movement and internal migration are published in the publication.
Housing Fund 2007
The National Statistical Institute presents to the attention of users having interest in statistical information in the field of social statistics the annual electronic publication 'Housing fund 2007'.