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Metadata and Methodology
Air transport
Annual data on liabilities of public corporations
Annual data on non-performing loans to "General Government" sector
Annual data on Public-Private Partnerships
Annual data on participation of government in the capital of corporations
Annual data of non-financial enterprises - Retail sales' indices
Annual data of non-financial enterprises - Retail sales
Annual data of non-financial enterprises - Wholesale sales
Annual data of non-financial enterprises - Production value
Annual data of non-financial enterprises - Retail sales premises
Annual data by size class – NACE.BG 2008
Annual data – NACE.BG 2008
Annual data – NACE.BG 2003
Annual financial accounts
Annual regional data – NACE.BG 2008
Activity of Insurance companies
Activity of Health Assurance Companies
Activity of Investment Companies
Air emissions
Accommodation Establishments
Adult Education Survey
Agricultural land market and rent
Anti-social acts and crimes of minor and juvenile persons
Air emissions accounts
Average annual wages and salaries - total; statistical regions; district
Average Monthly Wages and Salaries – total; statistical regions; district
Average prices and purchased quantities of main food and non-foods by households
Average prices of contracts for renting/lease of agricultural land
Average prices of the agricultural land transactions
Accidents at work and work-related health problems - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2013
Accidents at work and work-related health problems - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2020
Business Demography - Harmonized Data Collection
Building permits issued for construction of new buildings
Business survey in industry, construction, trade and service sector
Basic and secondary education (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary)
CHP units fuel inputs
Crisis events occurred
Construction of new buildings started
Consumer Price Indices (CPI)
Construction Production Indices
Combined heat and power units (CHP units)
Credit Institutions
Consumer survey
Crimes, accused and persons convicted
Continuing Vocational Training of the employees
Community clubs
District heating and cooling systems
Dangerous goods carried by railway transport
District heating and cooling systems
Deaths by causes and mortality by causes
Employees under labour contract – inflows and outflows
European health interview survey
Environmental taxes
Environmental goods and services
Electricity generated from renewable sources
Energy balance of natural gas - Energy supply block
Energy dependency
Energy intensity of the economy
Energy balances of renewables and wastes - Energy supply block
Energy balances of electricity and heat - Energy supply block
Energy balances of oil and petroleum products - Energy supply block
Energy balances of solid fuels - Energy supply block
Employed persons by Regions
Employment of disabled people – Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2011
Exports and imports
Economic accounts for agriculture – annual data
Employment – total (Short-term business statistics)
Employees under Labour Contract – total; statistical regions; district (Annual statistics)
Employees under Labour Contract – total; statistical regions; district (Short-term statistics)
Electricity and heat production, and capacity of CHP units
Educational expenditures
Expenditure on protection and restoration of the environment
Expenditure on Acquisition of Tangible Fixed Assets - annually survey
Expenditure on Acquisition of Tangible Fixed Assets - quarterly survey
Electricity prices for household customers
Electricity prices for final non-household customers
Electricity and natural gas prices
Foreign Trade
Final energy consumption by sectors
Family business statistics
Film production
Foreign direct investments in non-financial enterprises as of 31.12
GDP - Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and Self-employed (Annual data)
GDP - Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and Self-employed (Quarterly data)
GDP by Income approach - Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Income approach - Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP - Labour productivity - Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP - Labour productivity - Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Production approach – Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Production approach – Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Production Methods, Final Expenditure, Income - basic and detailed data – Total of economy (Quarterly seasonally adjusted data)
GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Regions
Gross National Income (GNI)
Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) by socio-economic objectives
Government deficit/surplus and debt levels
Gender-based violence
Goods carried and transport performance
Gender pay gap
General government expenditure by function (COFOG)
Hazardous events occurred (natural disasters, accidents and crisis)
Homes for medico-social care for children
Households income, expenditure and consumption
Housing fund
House price index (HPI)
Health establishments
Hours worked by Regions
House sales indicators (HSI)
Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)
Insurance Enterprises
ICT usage in households
ICT usage in enterprises
Investment activity in industry
Industrial Production Index; Industrial Turnover Indices
Innovation activity
Inflation and Consumer Price Indices
In-patient, out-patient and other health care establishments
Industrial Products in Kind
Inland waterway transport
Justice and crime - International comparisons
Job skills - Module to the Labour Force Survey in 2022
Job vacancies statistics
Kindergartens (Pre-primary education)
Land use distribution of the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31.12.
Length of railway network
Low wage trap
Labour Force Survey
Labour Force Survey - Annual data
Labour Force Survey ad-hoc module "Self-employment"
Labour Force Survey ad-hoc module "Reconciliation between work and family life"
Labour Force Survey - Quarterly data
Labour Cost Survey
Labour Costs
Municipal waste
Marriages and divorces
Medical personnel
Monthly deficit/surplus of subsectors "Central Government" and "Social Security Funds"
Monthly data of non-financial enterprises in Section G 'Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles' - Turnover indices
Module on pension beneficiaries
Maritime transport
Market prices of dwellings
Mortality and life expectancy
Number of employees in the administration of executive power
Net earnings and average tax rate
Non-financial Enterprises
Non-financial accounts of sector General Government
Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors (Annual data)
Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors (Quarterly data)
Non-Profit Institutions (Data for Associations and Foundations)
National road network
Non-universal postal services
Natural gas prices for household customers
Natural gas prices for final non-household customers
Owner occupied housing price index (OOHPI)
Overall energy balance sheet
Protected natural scenery
Publishing activity - books, newspapers and magazines
Production Indices in Services
Price Indices on Domestic and on Non-domestic Market in Industry
Price Indices of a Small Basket (PISB)
Producer price indices in Agriculture
Prices indices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture and goods and services contributing to agricultural investment
Poverty and Social Inclusion Indicators
Population and demographic projections
Purchasing Power Parities
Pension and Labour market participation - Module to the Labour Force Survey in 2023
Pension Companies
Pension entitlements in social insurance
Pension Funds
Pension Funds
Purchasing power of household
Passengers carried and transport performance
Population projections
Production and deliveries of electricity
Production and deliveries of energy products
Production and deliveries of oil and petroleum products
Production and deliveries of natural gas
Production and deliveries of solid fuels
Packaging placed on the market
Primary energy consumption
Population Grid 2011 (Census) - 1
Physical energy flow accounts
Performing arts
Postal network
Participation of the population aged 25 - 64 in cultural activities and events
Prices and producer price indices in agriculture – national level
Producer prices of forestry products on the internal market
Prices of agricultural production (data series)
Quarterly Labour Cost Index (not seasonally adjusted, working day adjusted, seasonally adjusted)
Quarterly Non-Financial Accounts of General Government
Quarterly deficit/surplus by subsectors of General Government sector
Quarterly data of non-financial enterprises - Retail sales' indices
Quarterly data of non-financial enterprises in Section I 'Accomodation and food service activities' - Turnover indices
Railway transport
Railway accidents, persons killed and injured
Research and development activity (R&D)
R&D personnel
Reconcilation Table in Accordance of Article 3(2) of Directive 2011/85 on Budgetary Frameworks for Bulgaria
Receipts from activity of construction enterprises by kind of construction
Radio programme activity
Residence permits for foreigners
R&D expenditure
Revision of the population data Census 2011
Revision of the population data Census 2021
Registrations and bankruptcies of legal units
Registered noise levels
Reconciliation between work and family life - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2010
Road freight transport (RFT)
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
Share of renewable energy in fuel consumption of transport
Share of renewable energy for heating and cooling
Share of combined heat and power (CHP) electricity generation in total gross electricity generation
Services producer price indices
Short-term statistics on residential buildings
Sales of liquid fuels (petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas)
System of Health Accounts
Social protection
Structure of Earnings Survey
Supply Use Tables
Tertiary education (education-qualification degrees ‘Professional bachelor’, ‘Bachelor’, ‘Master’, ‘Doctor’)
Taxes and social contributions by type and sub-sectors of General Government
Tax wedge on labour costs
Tangible fixed assets with ecological use
Turnover indices in services
Total revenue from taxes and fees and expenditure for municipal waste
Transition from work to retirement - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2012
Trips of Bulgarian residents abroad and arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria
Tourism Satellite Accounts
Television programme activity
Tourist trips and tourism related expenditure of the population
Universal postal services
Unemployment trap
Underground reserves
Vocational training in Vocational Training Centers (VTS), Vocational Gymnasiums and Vocational Colleges
Work organisation and working time arrangements - Ad-hoc module to the Labour Force Survey in 2019
Wastе from economic activity
Water statistics