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Quality reports
Quality reports
Accommodation Establishments
Adult Education Survey
Annual data by size class – NACE.BG 2008
Annual data – NACE.BG 2008
Annual regional data – NACE.BG 2008
Average Monthly Wages and Salaries – total; statistical regions; district
Basic and secondary education (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary)
Business Demography - Harmonized Data Collection
Community clubs
Consumer Price Indices (CPI)
Continuing Vocational Training of the employees
Deaths by causes and mortality by causes
Economic accounts for agriculture – annual data
Educational expenditures
Electricity and gas prices for household and final non-household customers
Emissions of pollutants in the air
Employed persons by Regions
Employees under Labour Contract – total; statistical regions; district (Short-term statistics)
Employment – total (Short-term business statistics)
Environmental goods and servises
Environmental taxes
European health interview survey
Expenditure on protection and restoration of the environment
Film production
Foreign Trade
GDP - Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and Self-employed (Annual data)
GDP - Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and Self-employed (Quarterly data)
GDP - Labour productivity - Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP - Labour productivity - Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Income approach - Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Income approach - Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Production approach – Total of economy (Annual data)
GDP by Production approach – Total of economy (Quarterly data)
GDP by Production Methods, Final Expenditure, Income - basic and detailed data – Total of economy (Quarterly seasonally adjusted data)
GDP by Regions
Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD)
Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)
Hours worked by Regions
House price index (HPI)
House sales indicators (HSI)
Households Income, Expenditure and Consumption
ICT usage in enterprises
ICT usage in households
Industrial Production Index; Industrial Turnover Indices
Innovation activity
Job vacancies statistics
Kindergartens (Pre-primary education)
Labour Cost Survey
Labour Force Survey - Annual data
Labour Force Survey - Quarterly data
Marriages and divorces
Mortality and life expectancy
Municipal and construction waste
Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors (Annual data)
Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors (Quarterly data)
Overall energy balance sheet
Owner occupied housing price index (OOHPI)
Packages placed on the market
Participation of the population aged 25 - 64 in cultural activities and events
Performing arts
Population and demographic projections
Poverty and Social Inclusion Indicators
Price Indices of a Small Basket (PISB)
Price Indices on Domestic and on Non-domestic Market in Industry
Production and deliveries of energy products
Publishing activity - books, newspapers and magazines
Quarterly Labour Cost Index (not seasonally adjusted, working day adjusted, seasonally adjusted)
Questionnaire 0101 - Gross value added at basic prices and gross domestic product at market prices – annual data
Questionnaire 0101 - Gross value added at basic prices and gross domestic product at market prices – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0102 - GDP identity from the expenditure side – annual data
Questionnaire 0102 - GDP identity from the expenditure side – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0103 - GDP identity from the income side – annual data
Questionnaire 0103 - GDP identity from the income side – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0110 - Population and employment – annual data
Questionnaire 0110 - Population and employment – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0111 - Employment by industry – annual data
Questionnaire 0111 - Employment by industry – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0120 - Exports of goods (fob) and services by Member States of the EU / third countries – annual data
Questionnaire 0120 - Exports of goods (fob) and services by Member States of the EU / third countries – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0120 - Imports of goods (fob) and services by Member States of the EU / third countries – annual data
Questionnaire 0120 - Imports of goods (fob) and services by Member States of the EU / third countries – quarterly data
Questionnaire 0301 - Output – annual data
Questionnaire 0302 - Capital formation – annual data
Questionnaire 0303 – Employment – annual data
Questionnaire 0501 - Final consumption expenditure of households by purpose – annual data
Questionnaire 0600 - Financial accounts – annual data
Questionnaire 0700 - Financial accounts – annual data
Questionnaire 0800 - ASA Annual sector accounts – annual data
Questionnaire 0801 - QSA Quarterly sector accounts – quarterly data
Questionnaire 1001 - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - regional level (NUTS II) – annual data
Questionnaire 1002 - Tables by industry and by region (NUTS II) – annual data
Questionnaire 1100 - General government expenditure by function (COFOG) - annual data
Questionnaire 1200 - Tables by industry, A*10 and by region (NUTS III) – annual data
Questionnaire 1300 - Households accounts by region (NUTS II) – annual data
Questionnaire 1516 - Supply Use Tables – annual data
Questionnaire 1719 - Input-Output Tables – annual data
Questionnaire 2200 - Cross-classification of gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by industry and by assets (transactions) – annual data
Radio programme activity
Research and development activity (R&D)
Structure of Earnings Survey
Supply Use Tables
System of Health Accounts
Tangible fixed assets with ecological use
Television programme activity
Tertiary education (education-qualification degrees ‘Professional bachelor’, ‘Bachelor’, ‘Master’, ‘Doctor’)
Total revenue from taxes and fees and expenditure for municipal waste
Tourist trips and tourism related expenditure of the population
Underground reserves
Vocational training in Vocational Training Centers (VTS), Vocational Gymnasiums and Vocational Colleges
Waste from economic activity
Water statistics Open Primary tabs configuration options Primary tabs