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PISB, December of the previous year = 100

Time series : MK_CPI_3.2_EN.xls

PISB, December of the previous year = 100
(rates of change since the beginning of the year)
Code Commodity groups February
  Total PISB 3.7
01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 4.3
03 Clothing and footwear -6.4
04 Housing,water,electricity,gas and other fuels 5.2
05 Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house 2.1
06 Health 3.2
07 Transport 0.5
08 Communication 5.4
09 Leisure time, recreational and cultural services 0.4
12 Miscellaneous goods and service 1.6
  Foods 4.3
  Non-foods 0.8
  Services 6.2