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The National Statistical Institute will conduct European Health Interview Survey 2019 during the period October - December 2019

Published at: 01.10.2019 - 10:30
In the beginning of October 2019, the National Statistical Institute launches conducting of the ‘European Health Interview Survey 2019’.
The survey has a five-year periodicity and it is included in the National Statistical Programme for 2019. The survey is implemented according to the requirements of the Regulation (EU)      No 255/2018 of the Commission, dated 19 February 2018, which implements Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards statistics based on the European System of Health Interview Surveys - EHIS. The European and national legislation as well as all methodological documents recommended by Eurostat in the field will be strictly followed during the survey implementation. The EHIS is carried out in all EU Member States applying a common methodology and a harmonized questionnaire, thereby providing comparable information on health status, the use of health services, as well as some factors that are of crucial importance for human health.

5 050 households in the whole territory of the country will participate in the survey. They were selected randomly, which is prerequisite for the survey’s representativeness of the results.

During the period October - December 2019 households will be visited by specially trained interviewers to conduct personal interviews and complete questionnaires. 11 500 persons aged 15 and over will be interviewed. In the frame of the Project ‘Pre-testing of new variables for future European Health Interview Survey waves’, implemented according to Grant Agreement with European Commission, information on 1 550 children until 15 years old will be collected as well.

We thank the households for the cooperation and assistance in advance!

More information about the EHIS’s methodology and instrumentarium can be obtained from the NSI’s web site, section ‘Statistical data’, subsection ‘Health’: