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The first meeting of the European Statistical System Committee will take place on 7 February in Luxembourg

Published at: 06.02.2019 - 09:20
How will the European statistics develop after 2020, will the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) change the production of official statistics, what are the ways to better communicate with users of statistical information? These issues will be discussed by the members of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) at their meeting in Luxembourg on 7 February. The President of the National Statistical Institute Sergey Tsvetarsky will take part in the meeting.

The heads of the National Statistical Institutes of the European Statistical System will discuss how ESS Vision 2020 is being implemented and in what direction it will be further developed taking into account the next Multiannual Statistical Programme 2021 - 2027. Views and ideas will be exchanged on the ESS 2019 Standardisation portfolio and the European Strategy for Environmental Accounts 2019 - 2023. ESSC will give its opinion on the establishment of a Task Force to develop methodology and tools for the next round of peer reviews, and discussions on the results of the 2018 ESS IT security certification exercise will be held.

The implementation of GDPR in the production of official statistics will be discussed with a representative of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), and the Chair of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) will share views and present ESAC’s recommendations on how to improve communication for statistics users.

Right after the ESSC meeting, an informal workshop of the Directors-General/Presidents of the National Statistical Institutes of the European Statistical System will be held to discuss the paper ‘Safeguarding core values of the statistical system’, produced by CSO Ireland.

The European Statistical System Committee was established ten years ago by Regulation (EC) No. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on European statistics. Its objective is to provide professional guidance to the ESS for developing, producing and disseminating European statistics. The Committee meets three times a year.