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Project ‘Setting up production processes for new indices of services production and trade and quality improvement of STS’

Published at: 14.12.2018 - 09:30
In December 2018, the National Statistical Institute has started work on the project ‘Setting up production processes for new indices of services production and trade and quality improvement of STS’ according to a Grant Agreement No.828974-2018-BG-2791-STS of the European Commission.

Within of the NSI project will participate in the following objectives: 

Area 1. Setting up the production and dissemination process for volume of wholesale trade and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles at NACE Rev. 2 group level;

Area 3. Facilitation and automation the process of production the appropriate deflators for calculation the Indexes of services production and volume of wholesale trade and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles for all required groups and activities.

The main tasks to be carried out on the project are:

Area 1
  • Improvement the coverage of the monthly sales survey for the division G45 and G46 through extension the sample of enterprises. Selection of the enterprises; 
  • Review, analysis and assessment of the existing methodological information for the production of adequate deflators for calculation monthly volume of wholesale trade and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles for all required groups and activities at NACE Rev. 2 group level;
  • Calculation of monthly volume of wholesale trade and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles at NACE Rev. 2 group level.
Area 3
  • Review, analyse and systematize data sources different in type, frequency and timing that are used to calculate monthly deflators in trade and services;
  • Preparation of the technical instructions for data entry, data verification, output tables and all   algorithms for calculating of the monthly deflators for ISP and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles;
  • Development the tool for entering and processing, verify the implementation of the required algorithms for data processing, correction of the errors and inconsistencies;
  • Analysis the quality of the calculated deflators and putting into service.

The project duration is 18 months and is going to be completed in May 2020.