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Final conference of the project “Creation of a National Database of Social Enterprises in Bulgaria for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)”

Published at: 24.07.2014 - 10:20
On 18 - 19 July 2014 in Borovets resort was held training and final conference of the project “Creation of a National Database of Social Enterprises in Bulgaria for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)” under contract SI2.650082 between the European Commission, Directorate “General Enterprises and Industry” and MLSP.

Project partners are the Social Assistance Agency, the National Statistical Institute and the Central Cooperative Union. The project started at the end of May 2013 and its duration is 14 months.

Training and final conference were attended by representatives of the project partners, managers of social enterprises in the country, representatives of the municipalities of Veliko Tarnovo, Lyaskovets, Razgrad and Mr. Anselmo Caporossi, President of Expert Council on Structural Funds and European programs to the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria.

Mrs. Svetoslava Filipovich, an expert in the Business Statistics Directorate of the National Statistical Institute, presented the statistical survey results of the social enterprises in Bulgaria for 2012. Conference participants were familiarized with the main objectives of the survey as well as with the coverage and sources of information for social enterprises in Bulgaria. Particular attention was paid to the elaborated by NSI indicators and tables for monitoring which will be used for improving the statistical module for social enterprises of MLSP website for social economy.

During the training and final conference key issues related to the national database, the usefulness of statistical information on social enterprises and the ways in which the database could be used for policy development in this area were discussed.

In conclusion, the conference participants agreed on the necessity for a legal definition of “social enterprise” and the development of a special law in the field of social entrepreneurship.