The ESS Committee provides professional guidance to the ESS for developing, producing and disseminating European statistics in line with the statistical principles. The ESSC consults Eurostat on issues related to the coordination and priorities of the European statistical programme, further development of the European Statistics Code of Practice, reduction of response burden, statistical confidentiality, and issues of methodology, arising from the establishment and implementation of the statistical programmes.
According to the agenda, ESSC will decide on six comitology items in the following statistical areas: establishing a new statistical classification of products by activity (CPA); the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) - granting derogations and the interchange standard for the transmission of data; production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning, as regards statistics on the participation of adults in lifelong learning; Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) as regards the data to be collected, and the sampling, precision and quality requirements.
Items for opinion cover the reports of the Task Force on Vision 2020, the European Master in Official Statistics, the Resource Directors' Group, the Annual Work Programme 2015 and priority setting.
The report of the ESS observers on the peer review of Eurostat conducted by ESGAB, as well as the reports of the Partnership Group, the Presidency (Greece), the progress on implementing the European system of national and regional accounts (ESA 2010) and other strategic papers will be presented during the meeting.
Further discussions will be held with regard to the ESS.VIP Programme and the European Strategy for Environmental Accounts.
The ESSC meeting will be preceded by a special session entitled “Cooperation between the ESS and the ESCB in the field of Balance of Payment statistics”.