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Mr. Tsvetarsky will celebrate the Statistics day in Austria

Published at: 17.10.2013 - 11:00
On 22 October 2013, the Deputy President of the National Statistical Institute, Mr. Tsvetarsky, will visit a conference dedicated to the Statistics day, which will be held in Vienna. The event is organized at a high level in order to develop new policies in a changing business statistics and economic globalization.
Main topic of the conference will be the new trends and challenges in business statistics. This is the project of Eurostat FRIBS (Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics - Framework Regulation for the integration of business statistics), which aims to establish a common legal framework for the collection, transfer and dissemination of statistical information to achieve better integration, harmonization, rationalization and flexibility of European business statistics.
As a result of the recent research on global value chains special emphasis will be placed on the future of foreign trade statistics.
Speakers at the conference dedicated to the Day of statistics will be distinguished representatives of Eurostat and internationally recognized statisticians.