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Press releases

Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, July 2012 (preliminary data)

Thursday, 30 August 2012 - 11:00

Production of solid fuels in July 2012 compared to June 2012 increases by 63.8% and electricity by 15.0%. A decrease is reported for the production of unleaded motor gasoline by 7.0% and transport diesel - by 15.0%. There is no change in the production of liquefied petroleum gases.

Deliveries of solid fuels in July 2012 compared to June 2012 an increase by 60.1%, liquefied petroleum gases - by 37.5%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 6.5%, and electricity - by 9.6%. A decrease is reported for the deliveries of transport diesel by 2.3% and natural gas - by 18.4%.

Press release

Producer Price Indices in Industry, July 2012

Thursday, 30 August 2012 - 11:00

Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in July 2012 increased by 1.9% compared to the previous month, while compared to the same month of 2011 the domestic prices grew by 4.5%. Total Producer Price Index rose by 1.8% compared to the previous month, compared to the same month of 2011 the prices went up by 3.1%.

Press release

Business Conjuncture, August 2012

Tuesday, 28 August 2012 - 11:00

In August 2012 the total business climate indicator decreases by 3.3 percentage points compared to its July level due to the more unfavourable business climate in the all observed sectors - industry, construction, retail trade and service sector.

Press release

Goods and Passengers Carried and Transport Performance by Mode of Transport in the Second Quarter of 2012 (preliminary data)

Friday, 24 August 2012 - 11:00

According to preliminary data during the second quarter of 2012 in comparison with the same period of 2011 an increase in the transported goods by 5.7% was observed, while the transport performance fell by 10.7%. Compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year both - the transported passengers and the transport performance, decreased by 1.9 and 6.5%, respectively.

Press release

Turnover Indices in Services in the Second Quarter of 2012

Tuesday, 21 August 2012 - 11:00

According to preliminary data from the second quarter of 2012 the total turnover index for section “Transportation, storage and post”, calculated on the basis of seasonally adjusted data was 9.6% higher than the previous quarter, while in section „Information and communication” - by 3.2%.

Press release

Indices of producer prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture, second quarter in 2012

Monday, 20 August 2012 - 11:00

The index of producer prices in agriculture increased by 5.9% in the second quarter of 2012 as compared to the same quarter 2011. Increases were registered in the crop production by 3.9% and in the livestock production by 8.6%.

The index of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture in the second quarter of 2012 was 6.5% above the index in the same quarter of 2011.

Press release