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Workshop on project for youth migration in Danube region (YOUMIG)

Wednesday, 31 October 2018 - 17:40
A second workshop within the project ‘Improving institutional capacities and fostering cooperation to tackle the impacts of transnational youth migration’ (YOUMIG), which is realized by the Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg - Danube Transnational Programme - ERDF) took place on 30.10.2018 at the National Statistical Institute.

Experts from Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Employment Agency as well as the local project partner Burgas Municipality participated.

NSI hosts a study visit within a Programme MEDSTAT IV

Friday, 26 October 2018 - 08:35
In the period 23-25 October 2018, the National Statistical Institute hosted for the first time a study visit under the Programme MEDSTAT funded by the European Union. The visit was organized jointly with the French International Agency for technical cooperation Expertise France.

Currently, the Programme MEDSTAT is in its fourth phase, launched in January 2016. This phase, with a duration of 40 months, includes more than 100 planned activities and supports the EU's cooperation with the countries of the European Neighborhood Policy - South in the field of statistics.

The NSI participates in two high-level European events in the field of statistics

Tuesday, 9 October 2018 - 15:30
Between 10 and 12 October 2018 in Bucharest, Romania, the President of the National Statistical Institute Sergey Tsvetarsky and Deputy President Diana Yancheva will participate in the 104th Annual Conference of the Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes (DGINS) and the 38th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC).

NSI again hosts training of young statisticians from six countries

Thursday, 27 September 2018 - 13:25
For the second time, the National Statistical Institute hosts a training of 24 young statisticians from the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Republic of Ukraine organized jointly with the Centre for Statistical Studies at the University of National and World Economy - Sofia. The training is carrying out in the framework of the Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria ‘Building of Administrative capacity and democratic institutions’. 

A team from the State Statistical Office of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia visited the NSI for training in the field of harmonized consumer price indices

Wednesday, 26 September 2018 - 11:55
In the period 19 - 21 September 2018, the National Statistical Institute hosted a three-day training course where experts from ‘Consumer prices, Housing prices and Purchasing Power Parities’ Department introduced their colleagues from the State Statistical Office of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with Bulgarian experience in the field of Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices.

The training was organised in the framework of IPA 2015 Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme with beneficiaries Balkan countries.

The National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus signed an Agreement on the cooperation in the field of statistics

Thursday, 2 August 2018 - 15:35
The National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat) signed an Agreement on the cooperation in the field of statistics on July 19, 2018 in Minsk, Belarus. Mr. Sergey Tsvetarski, President of the National Statistical Institute signed the Agreement on behalf of Bulgaria and Mrs. Inna Medvedeva, Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee signed the Agreement on behalf of Belarus.