Statistical data
- Business statistics
- Demographic and social statistics
- Key Indicators
- Macroeconomic statistics
- Employment and Hours worked - by Regions
- Employment and Hours worked - total of the economy
- Financial national accounts
- Government Finance Statistics
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Gross National Income (GNI)
- Housing price statistics
- Inflation and Consumer Price Indices
- National accounts - quality reports for the ESA 2010 Data Transmission Programme
- Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors
- Pension entitlements in social insurance
- Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) - European and International Comparisons Programme
- Supply Use Tables
- Environment and Energy
- Regional statistics and indicators for monitoring
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Tax statistics
Construction Production Indices in February 2009
Preliminary data for February 2009 indicated that construction production rose by 6.3% compared to the previous month and compared to February 2008 the production in construction fell by 5.8%.
Industrial Production and Industrial Turnover Indexes, February 2009
In February 2009, Industrial Production Index increased by 5.6 per cent compared with the previous month, while compared with the same month of the 2008 fell by 17.7 per cent. In February 2009, Industrial Turnover Index increased by 4.4 per cent compared with the previous month, compared with February 2008 the Index decreased by 17.2 per cent.
Tourist Trips and Tourism-Related Expenditures of Bulgarian Residents, 2008
By final data, 1 329 thousand Bulgarian residents travelled to the country and abroad in 2008.
In 2008 the structure of tourist trips’ expenditures by type showed that expenditures on food were the highest percentage from the total expenditures on domestic trips - 43.1%, while the expenditures on transport were the highest percentage from total expenditures on outbound trips - 30.0%.
Anti-Social Acts of Minor and Juvenile Persons in 2008
The total number of minors and juveniles new entrants and registered persons at the Child Pedagogic Rooms in 2008 decreases respectively by 6.5% and 7.0% in comparison with 2007. A decrease by 13.4% compared to 2007 of the number of minors and juveniles registered at the Child Pedagogic Rooms as perpetrators of crime is observed.
Producer Price Indexes in Industry, February 2009
Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in February 2009 decreased by 0.9 per cent compared with the previous month, compared with February 2008 domestic prices increased by 0.5 per cent. Total Producer Price Index in industry in February 2009 fell by 1.0 per cent compared with the previous month, comparing to the same month of 2008 producer prices decreased by 3.1 per cent.
Business Conjuncture, March 2009
In March 2009 the total business climate indicator, noted a rise by 2.8 percentage points in comparison with February 2009 after the recorded decreases in the last months.
Goods and Passengers Carried by the Railway Transport in February 2009
In February 2009 the goods carried by the railway transport were 1 194.6 thousand tones or by 3.5% more than the previous month, while the passengers decreased by 7.8% to 2 437.4 thousands.
Construction Production Indices in January 2009
Preliminary data for January 2009 indicated that construction production was 10.2% below the level in December 2008 and compared to the same month of the previous year the production in construction fell by 6.1%.
Industrial Production and Industrial Turnover Indexes, January 2009
In January 2009, Industrial Production Index decreased by 19 per cent compared with the previous month, while compared with the same month of the previous year the decrease was by 13.3 per cent. In January 2009, Industrial Turnover Index decreased by 23.0 per cent compared with the previous month, compared with January 2008 the decrease was by 14.6 per cent.