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Deaths by causes and mortality by causes in 2023

Friday, 28 June 2024 - 11:00

The main causes of death among the entire population and in 2023 were diseases of the circulatory system. 61.1% of the deaths are caused by them. The mortality rate was 957.1 per 100 thousand of the population, with the intensity being higher among men - 964.3 per 100 thousand men against 950.4 per 100 thousand women.

In the second place in the structure of the causes of death among the entire population were neoplasms (16.5%), and in third place - diseases of the respiratory system (4.9%). COVID-19 is the underlying cause of death in only 1% of all deaths.

Detailed data from the survey are available to all users on the website of NSI in the section ‘Health’ – Deaths by causes and mortality by causes, as well as in IS Infostat.

Structural business statistics of non-financial enterprises for 2022 (final data)

Friday, 28 June 2024 - 11:00

According to final SBS data annual reports on their activity for 2022 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute by 394 135 non-financial enterprises. The number of persons employed in the non-financial enterprises was 2 165 657. The non-financial enterprises generated 276 452 072 thousand BGN of the production value and reported a turnover of 510 657 330 thousand BGN.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading ‘Non-financial Enterprises’.

Structural business statistics of finance enterprises for 2022 (final data)

Friday, 28 June 2024 - 11:00

Insurance Companies

In 2022, according to final data of NSI, 13 enterprises operated in the field of life insurance, and 31 in the "General insurance" sector, with the number of employed and self-employed persons in them being 1 095 and 4 801, respectively. Net turnover in life insurance amounted to 567 million BGN, and the gross incurred claims amounted to 295 million BGN. In the "General Insurance" sector, the net turnover reached 1 947 million BGN, and the gross claims - 1 394 million BGN.

Pension Companies and Pension Funds

According to the final data of the NSI, in 2022 there were 10 pension insurance companies operating, and the number of employed and self-employed persons in them was 1 090. The net turnover of these companies amounted to 218 million BGN, and the gross surplus from the main activity was in the amount of 106 million BGN.

In 2022, 50 pension funds operated in the country, with a net turnover of 2 240 million BGN, and the number of members – 4 922.

Specialized Investment Companies

In 2022, according to the final data of the NSI, 252 specialized investment enterprises were operating in Bulgaria, with 1 254 employed and self-employed persons in them and realized net turnover in the amount of 2 117 million BGN.

Credit Institutions

According to final data of NSI, in 2022, 25 credit institutions functioned. The value of output to 5 470 million BGN, and the number of employed and self-employed persons in them is 28 103.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading ‘Financial Enterprises’.

Innovation Activity of the Enterprises during the period 2020 - 2022

Friday, 28 June 2024 - 11:00

During the period 2020 - 2022, 26.1% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed carried out an innovation activity. The innovation activity of the enterprises in the industrial sector (32.9%) was higher than of those in the services sector (19.6%). The largest share of innovation active enterprises was in the group of large enterprises (with 250 or more persons employed) - 72.3% in industry and 66.5% in services. 

In 2022, the turnover of innovation active enterprises constituted 51.9% of the turnover, and the persons employed - 51.8% of the persons employed in all enterprises. 

During the observation period, 15.0% of all enterprises realized product innovations (new or improved goods or services), while 17.8% implemented new or improved business processes.

Almost half (49.4%) of the enterprises with product innovations realized goods or services that were new not only to them but to the market as well, i.e. not previously offered by their competitors.

Statistical domain

Trips of Bulgarian residents abroad and arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria in May 2024

Thursday, 27 June 2024 - 11:00

In May 2024, the number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 808.3 thousand, or 4.6% above the registered in May 2023. The trips with other purposes formed the greatest share of the total number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad - 41.0%, followed by those with holiday and recreation purposes - 40.4%, and with professional purposes - 18.6%.

The number of visits of non-residents to Bulgaria was 992.4 thousand, or 6.6% more in comparison with the same month of the previous year. Тhe predominant share of the visits was with other purposes - 47.9%, followed by trips with holiday and recreation purposes - 38.1%, and with professional purposes - 14.0%.

Transit passes through the country were 35.4% (351.0 thousand) of all visits of non-residents to Bulgaria.

Statistical domain

Publishing Production in 2023 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continuing Editions)

Thursday, 27 June 2024 - 11:00

In Bulgaria during 2023, 10 361 books and pamphlets were published, which is with 1 467 less than the previous year. The highest number was fiction for adults - 2 995 titles, followed by scientific literature - 2 136. The titles of translated publications were 2 688. More than half of them were translated from English (57.7%), followed by the editions from French - 8.4%, German - 5.9% and Russian - 5.9%. The highest number of books and pamphlets being published was in Sofia (stolitsa) district - 6 887, followed by Plovdiv (756) and Varna (625) districts.

In 2023, 180 newspapers were issued, of which 21 - daily newspapers, and compared to the previous year, their number decreased by 11 and 4. The highest number of newspapers issued was in Sofia (stolitsa) district - 45.6% of all editions. In 2023, were published 428 magazines and 47 bulletins, and in comparison with 2022, the number of magazines decreased by 14, and the number of bulletins also decreased by 14.

Statistical domain

Exports and imports price indices of goods for the first quarter of 2024 based on average annual prices for 2023 (Preliminary data)

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 11:00

The total export price index during the first quarter of 2024 is 94.4%, which is a drop of 3.5 percentage points in the index compared to the same period of the previous year.

The total import price index for the reporting period is 97.6%, which is a 2.2 percentage points below the level of the index compared to the same period of 2023.

Preliminary data on export and import price indices for the fourth quarter of 2024 by sectors of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, rev. 4) are published on NSI website under the heading ‘Exports and Imports price indices’.

House Price Indices, First Quarter of 2024

Monday, 24 June 2024 - 11:00

The housing prices increased by 7.1% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter (fourth quarter of 2023). The highest increase was recorded in Varna (+9.0%), followed by Sofia (+8.6%) and Stara Zagora (+5.2%). A decrease was registered in Ruse (-0.9%).

In the first quarter of 2024, compared to the first quarter of 2023, housing prices rose by 16.0%.

Detailed data are published on the NSI website under the heading 'Housing price statistics'.

Quarterly Labour Cost Index, First Quarter of 2024

Friday, 21 June 2024 - 11:00

In the first quarter of 2024, compared to the first quarter of 2023, the total hourly labour cost rose by 15.8% (preliminary data). The total hourly labour cost increased by 13.9% in industry, by 16.3% in services and by 19.3% in construction.

The highest annual growth in total labour costs was recorded in ‘Other service activities’ - by 20.8%, ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ - by 20.6%, and ‘Construction’ - by 19.3%.

Statistical domain

Household consumption: price levels in 2023 in the EU

Thursday, 20 June 2024 - 17:35

In 2023, price levels for household final consumption expenditure differed widely across the EU. The highest price levels were recorded in Denmark (143% of the EU average). The lowest levels were recorded in Bulgaria and Romania (both with 60%), according to the provisional estimates for 2023.

Press release