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European Health Interview Survey - third wave, 2019 (preliminary data)

Thursday, 19 November 2020 - 11:00

The European Health Interview Survey is a part of the European Health Survey System, which aims at measuring on a harmonized basis and with a high degree of comparability among EU Member States, the health status, life style (health determinants) and health care services use of the EU citizens.

The NSI presents preliminary data from the survey conducted at the end of 2019:

NSI presents preliminary results based on the conducted at the end of 2019 EHIS:

  • The biggest was the share of persons aged 15 and over who self-assessed their health as ‘good’ (40.7%), followed by ‘very good’ (29.2%) and ‘fair’ (20.9%).
  • The most common disease in Bulgaria from those, included in the survey’s questionnaire was hypertension - 29.7% from the persons aged 15 years and above. That disease is more prevalent among women (32.8%) compared to men (26.5%).
  • In the past 12 months, with the general practitioners were consulted 62.5% of the persons, with the specialists - 27.2% and with dentists or orthodontists – 41.0%.
  • The most widely applied preventive measure from those included in the questionnaire was blood pressure measurement by a health professional (among 54.9% of men and 66.4% of women).
  • With overweight, including obesity were 62.8% of men and 45.0% of women aged 18 and older.
  • At the end of 2019, 45.9% of men and 27.5% of women were smokers (daily and occasionally).
  • In the year preceding the survey, every day or almost every day alcohol used 17.4% of men and 3.6% of women aged 15 and older.
Press release
Statistical domain

Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption during the Third Quarter of 2020

Tuesday, 17 November 2020 - 11:00

The total income average per household member during the third quarter of 2020 is 1 754 BGN and increases by 2.2% compared to the same quarter of 2019.

The total expenditure average per household member during the third quarter of 2020 is 1 570 BGN and decreases by 0.8% in comparison to the same quarter of 2019.

The consumption of main food products average per household member during the third quarter of 2020 changes compared to the same quarter of 2019.

Press release

Price Indices in Agriculture, Third Quarter of 2020

Monday, 16 November 2020 - 11:00

The producer price index in agriculture in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 6.8% in comparison with the same quarter of 2019. The crop output index increased by 7.6% and the animal output index increased by 1.7%. In comparison with previous year, the prices of agricultural output went up by 4.2% as the increase in crop output price index was by 4.9%, while the animal output price index remained almost unchanged - a minimal increase of 0.1% was registered.

The index of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture in the third quarter of 2020 was by 3.9% lower compared to the same quarter of previous year and by 3.8% compared to 2019.

Press release
Statistical domain

Investment Activity in Industry, October 2020

Friday, 13 November 2020 - 11:00

The investment business inquiry of NSI carried out among industrial enterprises in October 2020 shows that the entrepreneurs expect the investments in the current year to be with 20.9% less in comparison with the previous 2019. The forecasts over 2021 are for a decrease of the volume of investments in industry by 7.6% compared to 2020.

Statistical domain

Employees under Labour Contract and Gross Average Wages and Salaries, Third Quarter of 2020

Thursday, 12 November 2020 - 11:00

According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute at the end of September 2020 the number of employees under labour contract increased by 0.4% as compared to the end of June 2020 and reached 2.25 million.

In the third quarter of 2020 in comparison with the second quarter of 2020 the average monthly wages and salaries increased by 2.7% getting 1 373 BGN.

Trade in goods of Bulgaria with EU in the Period January - August 2020 (preliminary data)

Thursday, 12 November 2020 - 11:00

In the period January - August 2020 the exports of goods from Bulgarian to the EU decreased by 6.7% in comparison to the same period of 2019 and amounted to 23 245.7 Million BGN while the imports of goods to Bulgaria from the EU dropped by 12.3% and reached 23 222.5 Million BGN.

In August 2020 the exports of goods to the EU decreased by 8.6% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 2 797.3 Million BGN while the imports of goods dropped by 10.5% and added up to 2 828.5 Million BGN.

Statistical domain