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  1. 1.5. Crimes with penalty inflicted by chapters of penal code and by sex and age of perpetrators

    … with penalty inflicted by chapters of penal code and by sex and age of perpetrators Statistical domain … with penalty inflicted by chapters of penal code and by sex and age of perpetrators … WITH PENALTY INFLICTED BY CHAPTERS OF PENAL CODE AND BY SEX AND AGE OF PERPETRATORS IN 2023 (Number) …

  2. 3.1. Persons convicted by sex, age, statistical zones, statistical regions and by districts

    3.1. Persons convicted by sex, age, statistical zones, statistical regions and by … Persons convicted by sex, age, statistical zones, statistical regions and by …  PERSONS CONVICTED BY SEX AND AGE, STATISTICAL ZONES, STATISTICAL REGIONS AND BY …

  3. 6.2.1. Population projections by sex and age

    6.2.1. Population projections by sex and age Statistical domain Population projections by sex and age Time …  POPULATION PROJECTION BY SEX AND AGE   (Number) Sex

  4. 6.2.2. Population projections by districts and sex

    6.2.2. Population projections by districts and sex Statistical domain Population projections by districts and sex Time series …  POPULATION PROJECTION BY DISTRICTS AND SEX (Number) Districts Sex

  5. 6.2.3. Projected age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080

    6.2.3. Projected age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080 Statistical domain … Projected age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080 … PROJECTED AGE DEPENDENCY RATIO BY DISTRICTS AND SEX UNTIL 2090 (%) Districts …

  6. 6.2.4. Projected old - age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080

    … Projected old - age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080 Statistical domain … Projected old - age dependency ratio by districts and sex until 2080 … PROJECTED OLD - AGE DEPENDENCY RATIO BY DISTRICTS AND SEX UNTIL 2090 (%) Districts …

  7. 6.1.9. Residence structure, sex ratio and age dependency rates

    6.1.9. Residence structure, sex ratio and age dependency rates … Residence structure, sex ratio and age dependency rates …  RESIDENCE STRUCTURE, SEX RATIO, AGE DEPENDENCY RATIO AND OLD AGE DEPENDENCY …

  8. 10.5. Persons by number of books read by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence

    10.5. Persons by number of books read by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence … Persons by number of books read by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence …  PERSONS BY NUMBER OF BOOKS READ BY SEX, AGE, EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL AND RESIDENCE (2022) …

  9. 5.7. External migration by age and sex

    5.7. External migration by age and sex Statistical domain International migration by age and sex Time series … INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION* BY AGE AND SEX IN 2023 (Number) Sex

  10. 10.3. Persons who have visited a cultural site by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence

    10.3. Persons who have visited a cultural site by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence … Persons who have visited a cultural site by sex, age, educational attainment level and residence … PERSONS WHO HAVE VISITED A CULTURAL SITE BY SEX, AGE, EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL AND RESIDENCE (2022) …