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Press releases

Tourist Trips and Tourism-related Expenditure of the Population in Third Quarter of 2014 (preliminary data)

Friday, 21 November 2014 - 11:00

In the third quarter of 2014, 1 123.6 thousand Bulgarian residents made tourist trips. The majority (83.1%) of them travelled only within the country, 14.0% - only abroad and 2.9% - both in the country and abroad. Compared to the third quarter of 2013 in the third quarter of 2014, the total number of the travelled persons aged 15 and over decreased by 2.2%, as a reduction was observed in the number of the Bulgarian residents travelled in the country - by 1.9%, as well as in the number of persons travelled abroad - by 4.4%.

Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption during the Third Quarter of 2014

Friday, 14 November 2014 - 11:00

The total income average per household member during the third quarter of 2014 is 1 195 BGN and decreases by 3.7% compared to the same period of 2013.

The total expenditure average per household member during the third quarter of 2014 is 1 147 BGN and remains almost the same in comparison to the same quarter of 2013.

The consumption of main food products average per household member decreases during the third quarter of 2014 compared to the same quarter of 2013.

Press release

Indices of producer prices and goods and services currently consumed in agriculture, third quarter in 2014

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 - 11:00
The index of producer prices in agriculture in the third quarter of 2014 decreased by 3.6% in comparison with the same quarter of 2013 and with by 7.3% compared to 2013.
The index of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture in the third quarter of 2014 was 1.3% below the level in the same quarter of 2013 and with 3.1% compared to 2013.
Press release

Activity of Accommodation Establishments in September 2014

Tuesday, 11 November 2014 - 11:00
In September 2014, 2 529 accommodation establishments - hotels, motels, camping sites, mountain chalets and other establishments for short-term accommodation with more than 10 bed places were functioned in the country. The total number of the rooms in them was 117.2 thousands and the bed-places were 253.0 thousands. In comparison with September 2013 the total number of accommodation establishments (functioned during the period) increased by 1.9% and the bed-places in them - by 1.8%. 
The total number of the nights spent in all accommodation establishments registered in September 2014 was 2 241.2 thousands or by 6.1% less in comparison with the same month of the previous year. The total revenues from nights spent in September 2014 reached 102.4 million BGN or by 5.6% more compared to September 2013.

Bulgarian Trade with EU in the Period January - August 2014 (preliminary data)

Monday, 10 November 2014 - 11:00
In the period January - August 2014 the Bulgarian exports to the EU increased by 2.6% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and amounted to 17.5 Billion BGN while the imports grew by 3.5% and added up to 20.1 Billion BGN.
In August 2014 the exports to the EU decreased by 3.5% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 2.3 Billion BGN while the imports increased by 12.4% and added up to 2.5 Billion BGN.