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BG014C - Haskovo

City - Haskovo (BG014C)
Variable Measurement unit 2021 2022
Population on the 1st of January, total In numbers 68 298 67 086
Population on the 1st of January, male In numbers 32 320 31 781
Population on the 1st of January, female In numbers 35 978 35 305
Population on the 1st of January, 0 - 4 years, total In numbers 2 956 2 868
Population on the 1st of January, 5 - 9 years, total In numbers 3 549 3 433
Population on the 1st of January, 10 - 14 years, total In numbers 3 731 3 720
Population on the 1st of January, 15 - 19 years, total In numbers 3 294 3 367
Population on the 1st of January, 20 - 24 years, total In numbers 2 578 2 528
Population on the 1st of January, 25 - 29 years, total In numbers 3 056 2 893
Population on the 1st of January, 30 - 34 years, total In numbers 3 860 3 645
Population on the 1st of January, 35 - 39 years, total In numbers 4 782 4 570
Population on the 1st of January, 40 - 44 years, total In numbers 5 706 5 462
Population on the 1st of January, 45 - 49 years, total In numbers 5 836 5 890
Population on the 1st of January, 50 - 54 years, total In numbers 4 985 5 087
Population on the 1st of January, 55 - 59 years, total In numbers 4 763 4 665
Population on the 1st of January, 60 - 64 years, total In numbers 5 028 4 795
Population on the 1st of January, 65 - 69 years, total In numbers 4 625 4 638
Population on the 1st of January, 70 - 74 years, total In numbers 3 985 3 961
Population on the 1st of January, 75 - 79 years, total In numbers 2 583 2 616
Population on the 1st of January, 80 - 84 years, total In numbers 1 593 1 594
Population on the 1st of January, 85 years or over, total In numbers 1 388 1 354
Nationals In numbers 67 622 66 323
EU foreigners In numbers 63 122
Non-EU foreigners In numbers 613 641
Number of liveirths per year In numbers 508 486
Number of adolescentirths (from mothers aged 19 or less) In numbers 51 42
Total deaths per year In numbers 1 283 1 059
Total deaths per year, male In numbers 654 554
Total deaths per year, female In numbers 629 505
Total deaths under 65 per year In numbers 255 206
Total deaths under 65 per year, male In numbers 173 154
Total deaths under 65 per year, female In numbers 82 52
Infant Mortality per year In numbers 1 2
Number of children 0 - 4 in day care or school In numbers 1 409 1 397
Students in higher education (ISCED level 5 - 8), total In numbers 883 917
Persons employed, 20 - 64, total1 In numbers 25 890 28 073
Persons employed, 20 - 64, male1 In numbers 12 853 14 620
Persons employed, 20 - 64, female1 In numbers 13 037 13 454
Persons unemployed, total1 In numbers 2 287 1 587
Persons unemployed, male1 In numbers 1 224 888
Persons unemployed, female1 In numbers 1 063 700
Cost of a combined monthly ticket
(all modes of public transport)
Euro 17.9 17.9
Cost of a taxi ride of 5 km to the centre at day time Euro 3.32 3.57
Length oficycle network (dedicated cycle paths and lanes) Kilometres 5 5

1 - estimations
"." - data not available