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BG006C - Ruse

Time series : BG006C_Ruse_22_en.xlsx

City - Ruse (BG006C)
Variable Measurement unit 2021 2022
Population on the 1st of January, total In numbers 135 440 133 813
Population on the 1st of January, male In numbers 65 269 64 521
Population on the 1st of January, female In numbers 70 171 69 292
Population on the 1st of January, 0 - 4 years, total In numbers 5 634 5 434
Population on the 1st of January, 5 - 9 years, total In numbers 6 235 6 264
Population on the 1st of January, 10 - 14 years, total In numbers 6 618 6 537
Population on the 1st of January, 15 - 19 years, total In numbers 5 828 6 011
Population on the 1st of January, 20 - 24 years, total In numbers 6 381 6 086
Population on the 1st of January, 25 - 29 years, total In numbers 8 133 7 618
Population on the 1st of January, 30 - 34 years, total In numbers 9 884 9 672
Population on the 1st of January, 35 - 39 years, total In numbers 9 342 9 450
Population on the 1st of January, 40 - 44 years, total In numbers 10 116 9 812
Population on the 1st of January, 45 - 49 years, total In numbers 10 751 10 957
Population on the 1st of January, 50 - 54 years, total In numbers 9 758 9 962
Population on the 1st of January, 55 - 59 years, total In numbers 9 202 8 975
Population on the 1st of January, 60 - 64 years, total In numbers 8 749 8 646
Population on the 1st of January, 65 - 69 years, total In numbers 8 627 8 575
Population on the 1st of January, 70 - 74 years, total In numbers 8 295 7 969
Population on the 1st of January, 75 - 79 years, total In numbers 5 740 5 901
Population on the 1st of January, 80 - 84 years, total In numbers 3 467 3 355
Population on the 1st of January, 85 years or over, total In numbers 2 680 2 589
Nationals In numbers 133 708 132 003
EU foreigners In numbers 301 359
Non-EU foreigners In numbers 1 431 1 451
Number of liveirths per year In numbers 1 010 866
Number of adolescentirths (from mothers aged 19 or less) In numbers 35 25
Total deaths per year In numbers 2 892 2 237
Total deaths per year, male In numbers 1 441 1 103
Total deaths per year, female In numbers 1 451 1 134
Total deaths under 65 per year In numbers 534 427
Total deaths under 65 per year, male In numbers 350 278
Total deaths under 65 per year, female In numbers 184 149
Infant Mortality per year In numbers 4 10
Number of children 0 - 4 in day care or school In numbers 2 605 2 623
Students in higher education (ISCED level 5 - 8), total In numbers 6 291 5 956
Persons employed, 20 - 64, total1 In numbers 53 033 60 474
Persons employed, 20 - 64, male1 In numbers 26 684 30 931
Persons employed, 20 - 64, female1 In numbers 26 349 29 544
Persons unemployed, total1 In numbers 4 252 1 347
Persons unemployed, male1 In numbers 2 357 764
Persons unemployed, female1 In numbers 1 895 583
Cost of a combined monthly ticket
(all modes of public transport)
Euro 38.09 49.09
Cost of a taxi ride of 5 km to the centre at day time Euro 3.39 3.96
Length oficycle network (dedicated cycle paths and lanes) Kilometres 22.2 22.2

1 - estimations
"." - data not available