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Experts from NSI train Ukrainian statisticians in the field of education statistics

Friday, 13 September 2019 - 10:30
From 9 to 13 September, experts from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine are on a visit for training at the National Statistical Institute.

The purpose of the training is to be shared Bulgarian statisticians’ experience in organizing and conducting surveys in the field of educational statistics, with a focus on Lifelong Learning and adult education and training.

The 2nd of August - International Beer Day

Thursday, 1 August 2019 - 20:00
International Beer Day is a celebration on the first Friday of August, founded in the USA in 2007. The motto of the day is “Drink good beer with good friends”.

According to historians beer appeared in about 10 000 BC, when cereal was first farmed. In 1516, a Beer Purity Law came into force in Germany, according to which only water, barley and hops should be used for its production.

Happy International Beer Day and cheers!

July 26 - System Administrator Day

Thursday, 25 July 2019 - 19:30
As a token of appreciation and respect for the work of System Administrators who supports electronic networks and systems, since 2000, at the initiative of American computer specialist Ted Kekatos, the last Friday of July has been celebrated as the day of System Administrator.

They say the system administrator's job is like that of a doctor - if all organs work normally, nobody is looking for him, but if they stop working, everyone is asking him for help.

Happy holiday!

July 11 - World Population Day

Wednesday, 10 July 2019 - 18:00
The World Population Day was announced by a decision of the UN, on the occasion of the birth of the five billionth resident on the planet on July 11, 1987, and has been officially celebrated since 1989.

The goal is to focus public attention on issues related to the population, poverty, birth rate, family planning and human rights.

Every year the World Population Day is under a different moto. This year there is a call on leaders, politicians, organizations and institutions to support efforts to make reproductive health and gender equality a reality for all.

BNSI is among the 8 leaders in the usage of Big data in official statistics

Wednesday, 19 June 2019 - 17:30
How should the ESS webscraping policy for the enterprises look like with information scraped from their own websites and what methodological framework should be implemented by the EU member states - these issues were discussed for two days by experts from the national statistical institutes of Austria, UK, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria and a Eurostat representative. The meeting, which was held on 17th and 18th June 2019 at the premises of BNSI, is part of the ESSnet on Big data II project.

Days of the Bulgarian Rose

Wednesday, 5 June 2019 - 17:10
In 1903, in the town of Kazanlak, a Festival of the Rose, flowers and fruitiness of the Rose Valley was first organized. Nowadays celebrations are held in early June and preserve the ancient rituals, recreating the joy of the rose-picking and the hospitality of the hard-working people of Kazanlak.

May 31 - World No Tobacco day

Thursday, 30 May 2019 - 20:00
On May 31, the World Health Organization celebrates World No Tobacco day. Annual campaigns provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco smoking and inhalation of tobacco smoke, as well as to stop smoking in any form.

This year, the World Smokeless Day focuses on the impact of smoking on lung health. The campaign calls for action and effective policies to reduce the use of tobacco and tobacco products.

May 24 - Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Script

Thursday, 23 May 2019 - 19:30
May 24 is one of the most popular Bulgarian national holidays - the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Script.

The Day of the brothers of Thessaloniki St. Cyril and St. Methodius, the creators of the Glagolitic, is celebrated as a church celebration since the 12th century, but as the Day of Education it was first celebrated in 1851, in Plovdiv, on the initiative of Nayden Gerov.