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Statistical data


Average Annual Gross Wages And Salaries in 2023 (preliminary data)

Monday, 26 February 2024 - 11:00

In 2023, the Average Annual Gross Wages And Salaries of the employees under labour contract was 24 147 BGN according to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute. In comparison with 2022, the increase was 13.7%, as in the public sector was 14.9% and in the private sector - 13.2%.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading 'Labour Market'.

Turnover Indices in Services in the Fourth Quarter of 2023

Friday, 23 February 2024 - 11:00

The turnover index in the section ‘Transportation, storage and post’ increased by 2.9% for the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter. In the section ‘Information and communication’, an increase of 3.9% was registered. The data are preliminary and seasonally adjusted.

During the fourth quarter of 2023, the turnover index in the section ‘Transportation, storage and post’ decreased by 0.8% compared to the same quarter of 2022. In the section ‘Information and communication’ a growth of 13.8% was reported. The data are preliminary and calendar-adjusted.

Tourist Trips and Tourism-related Expenditure of the Population in the Fourth Quarter of 2023 (preliminary data)

Friday, 23 February 2024 - 11:00

In the fourth quarter of 2023, 1 165.5 thousand Bulgarian residents made tourist trips. The majority of them - 78.5%, travelled only in the country, 18.2% - only abroad, and 3.3% - both in the country and abroad. Compared to the same quarter of 2022, the total number of travelled persons aged 15 and over increased by 13.5%.

Statistical domain

Homes for medico-social care for children in 2023

Thursday, 22 February 2024 - 11:00

As of 31.12.2023 the number of places in homes for medico-social care for children in the country was 418. There were 219 children accommodated - 125 boys and 94 girls. Compared to the previous year, the number of children decreased by only 0.9%.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading 'Health'.

Pension entitlements in social insurance, 2019 - 2021

Monday, 19 February 2024 - 11:00

The accrued-to-date pension entitlements in the beginning of 2021 (closing balance of 2020) amount to 231 010 mln. BGN which consists of 213 721 mln. BGN liabilities of Social security pension schemes (Public social security - First pillar of the Bulgarian pension system) and 17 289 mln. BGN liabilities of Defined contribution schemes (Supplementary Mandatory Pension Insurance and Supplementary Voluntary Pension Insurance - Second and Third pillar of the Bulgarian pension system).

The accrued-to-date pension entitlements in the end of 2021 amount to 293 174 mln. BGN which consists of 273 623 mln. BGN liabilities of Social security pension schemes and 19 551 mln. BGN liabilities of Defined contribution schemes.

Data on pension entitlements are calculated and published once every three years for a three year period.

Main Labour Force Survey Results, Fourth Quarter of 2023

Friday, 16 February 2024 - 11:00

In the fourth quarter of 2023:

- The unemployment rate was 4.2%, by 0.5 percentage points higher compared to the fourth quarter of 2022;

- The employment rate of the population aged 15 - 64 decreased by 1.2 percentage points in comparison with the same quarter of 2022 and stood at 70.5%;

- The activity rate of the population aged 15 - 64 was 73.7%, by 0.8 percentage points lower compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.

The data was from the Labour Force Survey - a sample statistical survey. It is carried out over a sample of non-institutional households. Quarterly, about 19.6 thousand households, randomly selected, are observed.

Press release
Statistical domain

Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption during the Fourth Quarter of 2023

Friday, 16 February 2024 - 11:00

According to data from the Household Budget Survey, the quarterly total income average per household member during the fourth quarter of 2023 is 2 866 BGN and increases by 18.1% compared to the same quarter of 2022.

The quarterly total expenditure average per household member during the fourth quarter of 2023 is 2 668 BGN and increases by 18.1% compared to the same quarter of 2022.

The consumption of most basic food products on average per household member during the fourth quarter of 2023 changes compared to the same quarter of 2022.

Press release

Price Indices in Forestry, Fourth Quarter of 2023

Friday, 16 February 2024 - 11:00

The Producer Price Index in Forestry for the fourth quarter of 2023 increased by 12.4% compared to the previous year, as a result of both increase in the prices of wood in the rough from coniferous - by 5.8%, and prices of wood in the rough from non-coniferous - by 17.7%.

Compared to the same quarter of 2022, there is 3.5% increase in prices of wood in the rough.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading 'Forestry'.