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Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments

Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments1
Cities 2019 2020
Bulgaria 27 154 791 11 968 483
Sofia 1 973 362 744 965
Plovdiv 510 676 238 022
Varna 4 980 352 1 725 438
Burgas 366 318 208 676
Pleven 60 632 66 091
Ruse 164 486 81 112
Vidin 46 655 79 601
Stara Zagora 97 300 61 071
Sliven 55 230 33 017
Dobrich 47 906 27 840
Shumen 68 032 35 370
Pernik 16 045 12 419
Yambol 30 988 17 485
Haskovo 38 984 20 557
Pazardzhik 24 892 12 833
Blagoevgrad 57 915 25 392
Veliko Tarnovo 204 075 89 279
Vratsa 51 609 35 184

1 Incl. categorized accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds, that were in use during the respective year.