- Is this the first time peer reviews are taking place?
The European Statistics Code of Practice was adopted by the Statistical Programme Committee on February 24, 2005. At the same meeting, a step-by-step monitoring procedure for the implementation of the Code was adopted. It includes elements of self-assessment, audit approach, and monitoring of good practices by ESS Member States.
So far, two rounds of peer reviews were carried out in 2006 - 2008 and 2013 - 2015.
You can find here the results of the previous peer review for Bulgaria.
- Who participates?
All members of the ESS are reviewed, i.e. Eurostat and the national statistical authorities of the EU Member States and EFTA countries.
Peer reviews inspect the national statistical systems. Therefore, in each of the ESS Member States, in addition to the national statistical office, between three and six other national authorities developing, producing and disseminating European statistics (ONAs) are reviewed. The selection is made according to a pre-approved procedure and depends on the structure of the respective national statistical system.
In Bulgaria, the third peer review includes both the National Statistical Institute and statistical bodies in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the Ministry of Environment and Water, as well as in the National Social Security Institute.
- How are the peer reviews conducted?
The peer reviews are carried out according to these steps:
1. Each national statistical authority of the ESS assesses itself against the principles of the Code in a self-assessment questionnaire and provides extensive documentation on its functioning.
2. These documents are checked and analysed by an expert team which subsequently carries out an in-country visit where a more in-depth review is performed.
3. The expert team compiles a final report with recommendations for improvement.
4. This report is submitted to the national statistical authority for approval and drafting improvement actions.
The implementation of the improvement actions in the EU Member States and EFTA countries is monitored on an annual basis by Eurostat. The implementation of the improvement actions for Eurostat is monitored by ESGAB.