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The National Statistical System (NSS) strives to provide high-quality, comprehensive and reliable statistical information that is internationally recognisable, accessible and understandable to the general public. As a result of the experience gained and the long history in the performance of this function, the NSS has built high levels of trust from users and its national and international partners. The quality activities in NSS are built on the sixteen principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice, covering the institutional environment, statistical processes and statistical outputs.

The NSS Quality Assurance Framework includes methods and tools that aim to guarantee the compliance with the requirements to the statistical processes and products, and to ensure the required statistical information quality.

In its work, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) is governed by professional independence, impartial treatment of all our users, objectivity, reliability, statistical confidentiality and cost-effectiveness. The development, production and dissemination of our statistics are based on sound methodologies, the best international standards and appropriate procedures that are well documented in a transparent manner.

The NSI strives to minimize the burden on our respondents, cultivate good cooperation with data providers and cooperate closely with stakeholders, including the scientific community.

Strategic and methodological documents
Quality assessment