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Bulgarian experts will support the implementation of European standards in statistics of the Republic of North Macedonia

Friday, 29 March 2019 - 17:30
The Bulgarian statisticians will support their colleagues from the Republic of North Macedonia in the implementation of European standards and best practices.

The EU funded project ‘Improving the Production and Dissemination of Statistics’ started officially today on March, 29 2019, with Launch event at the EU InfoCentre in Skopje, the Republic of North Macedonia. 

The project aims to improve the quality and availability of statistical data in the Republic of North Macedonia and enhance their use in development and coordination of public policies.

Grant agreement ‘IT Security improvement in the ESS for the exchange of confidential statistical information’

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 - 09:59
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Project ‘IT Security improvement in the ESS for the exchange of confidential statistical information’ implemented according to the Grant Agreement No. 828821 - 2018-BG-SECUT-IT with the European Commission.
The main objectives of the project are:
  • System logs consolidation of all existing IT infrastructure assets.

Grant Agreement “Support for implementation of profiling activities in the Member States”

Friday, 11 January 2019 - 09:30
The National Statistics Institute has started the project "Support for implementation of profiling activities in the Member States", according to the European Commission grant agreement № 831427–2018–BG–Profiling.

The main objectives of the project are:

• implement updated European profiling and increase the data quality of multinational enterprise group in EuroGroup register. NSI of Bulgaria will participate in work on European profiling as country of global decision centre (GDC) and partnering exercise on foreign groups for the reference year 2018. 

‘Labour Force Survey 2019 ad hoc module on work organisation and working time arrangements’ project

Thursday, 10 January 2019 - 12:05
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Labour Force Survey 2019 ad hoc module on work organisation and working time arrangements’ project. The implementation of the project is according to the Grant Agreement with the European Commission No. 821813-2018-BG-LFS AHM.

The ad hoc module on ‘Work organisation and working time arrangements’ is included in the regular 2019 Labour Force Survey following the requirements of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2384 of 19 December 2017.

Grant agreement "Support for improving crime statistics 2018"

Thursday, 10 January 2019 - 10:45
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Project "Support for  improving crime statistics 2018" according to the Grant agreement with the European Commission № 831416-2018-BG-CRIME-STATS.


The overall objective of the Project is to improve the quality of the produced national statistical data in the field of justice and criminality by supporting already started activities, related to:

Grant Agreement ‘Structural Business Statistics Developments’

Wednesday, 9 January 2019 - 10:45
The National Statistical Institute has started work on a project ‘Structural Business Statistics Developments’ according to a Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 830985-2018-BG-В2949-SBSDev.

The general objectives of the project are:

Area 1. Further development on High Growth Enterprises

Module 1.1 - Growth of micro-enterprises

Grant Agreement ‘Statistics on the usage of Information and Communication Technologies 2019, Enterprises’

Friday, 4 January 2019 - 09:30
The National Statistical Institute has started work on a project ‘Statistics on the usage of Information and Communication Technologies 2019, Enterprises’ according to a Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 831517-2018-BG-ICT ENT.

The general objective of the project is to collect reliable and internationally comparable information on the availability and usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises in 2019. In the framework of the project, a statistical survey covering the following topics will be conducted:

Grant Agreement ‘Statistics on the usage of Information and Communication Technologies 2019, Households’

Friday, 4 January 2019 - 09:20
The National Statistical Institute has started work on a project ‘Statistics on the usage of Information and Communication Technologies 2019, Households’ according to a Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 831507-2018-BG-ICT HH IND.

The general objective of the project is to collect reliable and internationally comparable information on the availability and usage of information and communication technologies in households and by individuals in 2019. In the framework of the project, a statistical survey covering the following topics will be conducted:

Project ‘Setting up production processes for new indices of services production and trade and quality improvement of STS’

Friday, 14 December 2018 - 09:30
In December 2018, the National Statistical Institute has started work on the project ‘Setting up production processes for new indices of services production and trade and quality improvement of STS’ according to a Grant Agreement No.828974-2018-BG-2791-STS of the European Commission.

Within of the NSI project will participate in the following objectives: 

Area 1. Setting up the production and dissemination process for volume of wholesale trade and volume of trade and repair of motor vehicles at NACE Rev. 2 group level;