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Insurance Enterprises

Variables Code 2022
Non-life insurance Life insurance
Number of enterprises - number 11110 31 13
Number of employees and self-employed persons - number 16110 4 801 1 095
Net turnover - thousand levs 12110 1 947 481 567 230
Gross claims incurred - thousand levs 32130 1 394 489 294 936
Value of output - thousand levs 12120 914 857 361 841
Total purchases of goods and services - thousand levs 13110 531 149 196 743
Value added - thousand levs 12150 383 767 165 098
Gross operating surplus- thousand levs 12170 241 724 133 847
Employee benefits expense - thousand levs 13310 142 043 31 251
Wages and salaries - thousand levs 13320 125 298 27 288