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The Countries from the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Will Exchange Statistics on the Social and Economic State of the Region and on the Effects of COVID-19

Monday, 29 March 2021 - 09:40

Experts from the national statistical institutes in the Black Sea region will elaborate a set of social and economic indicators for the exchange of statistical information, so that a picture of the current state of the region and the economic and social impact of the coronarvirus crisis can be outlined.

The National Statistical Institute will conduct a Household Budget Survey in new households

Monday, 22 March 2021 - 10:00

From the beginning of April 2021 the National Statistical Institute starts a Household Budget Survey in newly selected households.

The survey is annual and it is included in the National Statistical Programme 2021. In the survey take part 3 060 randomly chosen households divided in three sub-samples each containing
1 020 households. During the April - June period households from each sub-sample are consistently included in the Household Budget Survey. Each household participates in the survey four months during the 12-month period of the method of rotation sample.

The 2021 National Statistical Programme foresees 316 statistical surveys

Friday, 15 January 2021 - 15:10

The teams of the National Statistical Institute and the Bodies of statistics will conduct a total of 316 surveys, according to the 2021 National Statistical Programme.

At its regular meeting on January 6, 2021, the Council of Ministers adopted the National Statistical Programme, as well as the Report on the implementation of the National Statistical Programme and on the activities of the National Statistical Institute in 2020.

Results of the project 'BG - Action Plan for SILC Improvements'

Wednesday, 23 September 2020 - 11:45
The National Statistical Institute has completed the work on the project "BG - Action Plan for SILC Improvements" – for the action entitled Objective 1 “Timeliness of EU-SILC” and Objective 3 “Tests for EU-SILC revision”, according to the Grant Agreement with the European Commission № 829212-2018 -BG-ACTION PLAN SILC.

The project lasted for 20 months in the period November 2018 - July 2020.

The general project objectives were adapting the production process and the use of the administrative data, including preliminary income register data.

Back to school

Monday, 14 September 2020 - 15:00
Happy first day of school! The National Statistical Institute wishes a successful new school year to students, teachers and parents in Bulgaria!