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  1. 2.3. Total R&D personnel by sectors, regions and sex

    2.3. Total R&D personnel by sectors, regions and sex Statistical domain Total R&D personnel by sectors, regions and sex Time series … TOTAL R&D PERSONNEL BY SECTORS, REGIONS AND SEX - 2022 (Headcount)   …

  2. Population on the 31st of December by sex Population on the 31st of December by sex Statistical domain Population on the 31st of December by sex Time series Population by sex_trend.xlsx …

  3. 6.1.5. Mortality by causes, sex and age

    6.1.5. Mortality by causes, sex and age Statistical domain Mortality by causes, sex and age Time …  MORTALITY BY CAUSES, SEX AND AGE IN 2023 (Per 100 000 of population) …

  4. 2.2. Deaths by districts, age, place of residence and sex

    2.2. Deaths by districts, age, place of residence and sex Statistical domain Deaths by districts, age, place of residence and sex Time series … DEATHS BY DISTRICTS, AGE, PLACE OF RESIDENCE AND SEX IN 2023 (Number) …

  5. Economically active population by sex Economically active population by sex Statistical domain Economically active population by sex Time series … Economically active population by sex_trend.xlsx …

  6. 3.2. Life expectancy by sex and age under hypotheses for exclusion of the basic causes for death

    3.2. Life expectancy by sex and age under hypotheses for exclusion of the basic … domain Life expectancy by sex and age under hypotheses for exclusion of the basic …  LIFE EXPECTANCY BY SEX AND AGE IN THE 2020-2022 PERIOD UNDER HYPOTHESES FOR …

  7. Population on the 31st of December by sex Population on the 31st of December by sex Statistical domain Population on the 31st of December by sex Time series Population by sex_trend.xlsx …

  8. 3.6. Persons convicted by sex - number, structure and rate per 100 000 persons of criminaly responsible population (14 years and above)

    3.6. Persons convicted by sex - number, structure and rate per 100 000 persons of … Persons convicted by sex - number, structure and rate per 100 000 persons of …  PERSONS CONVICTED BY SEX - NUMBER, STRUCTURE AND RATE PER 100 000 PERSONS OF …

  9. 5.3. Mechanical movement of the population by place of residence, districts, age and sex

    … of the population by place of residence, districts, age and sex Statistical domain … of the population by place of residence, districts, age and sex Time series … OF THE POPULATION BY PLACE OF RESIDENCE, DISTRICTS, AGE AND SEX IN 2023* (Number) Place …

  10. 6.1.2. Population by statistical regions, age, place of residence and sex

    … by statistical regions, age, place of residence and sex Statistical domain … by statistical regions, age, place of residence and sex Time series … BY STATISTICAL REGIONS, AGE , PLACE OF RESIDENCE AND SEX AS OF 31.12.2023 (Number) …