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Total Industrial Turnover Indices (2021 = 100)

Economic Activities Eurostat code 2021=100 The previous month=100 The same month of the previous year=100
Industry B_TO_E36  137.6  109.1  109.2
Mining and quarrying B  102.0  110.4  107.0
Mining of coal and lignite B05 95.2  172.2  112.3
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas B06 .. .. ..
Mining of metal ores B07 93.0  105.7  107.4
Other mining and quarrying B08  139.3 97.6 99.3
Mining support service activities B09 .. .. ..
Manufacturing C  133.7 94.4  101.2
Manufacture of food products C10  131.2 90.1 95.0
Manufacture of beverages C11  117.3 92.5 95.6
Manufacture of tobacco products C12  122.0 77.2  128.7
Manufacture of textiles C13 92.7  101.1 83.2
Manufacture of wearing apparel C14  123.1  107.1  105.7
Manufacture of leather and related products C15 82.3  101.3 74.0
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials C16  123.9 98.8  108.8
Manufacture of paper and paper products C17  112.7 95.3 89.2
Printing and reproduction of recorded media C18  131.2  103.1  101.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products C19 .. .. ..
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products C20  121.5  103.5  138.8
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations C21  127.5 90.7 97.4
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products C22  117.3 92.4 97.4
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products C23  145.8 92.7  109.7
Manufacture of basic metals C24  118.5 93.6  126.1
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment C25  198.0  100.5  115.3
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products C26  156.1  103.2  100.0
Manufacture of electrical equipment C27  128.8 96.1 95.7
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. C28  118.5 85.5 91.4
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers C29  137.2  109.1 85.8
Manufacture of other transport equipment C30 92.6 73.6  102.8
Manufacture of furniture C31  117.7 92.3  105.1
Other manufacturing C32  132.7 86.5 91.9
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment C33  158.8 88.2 94.7
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply D  150.3  161.2  131.9
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply D35  150.3  161.2  131.9
Intermediate goods MIG_ING  121.2 95.5  110.6
Energy goods MIG_NRG  154.5  145.2  116.9
Investment goods MIG_CAG  158.4 97.0 98.5
Consumer durables MIG_DCOG  110.9 91.0  101.6
Consumer non-durables MIG_NDCOG  127.7 92.3 97.3

1 Preliminary data.
".." - Confidential data.