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Damaged residential buildings from crisis events for the period 2004-2008

Time series : krizi_6.jsgradi_EN.xls
overwhelmed residential buildings from crisis events in 2008
Type of building Overwhelmed buildings Overwhelmed dwellings
Residential buildings - total
2 079 2 336
From fire 1 726 1 877
Buildings of panels (prefabricated) 123 205
Buildings of reinforced concrete (concrete structure with slab and columns) 95 232
Buildings of bricks (with concrete slab) 288 69
Buildings made of bricks (without concrete beams) 272 59
Buildings made of stone 16 6
Buildings of wood 55 4
Buildings of adobe (raw bricks) 37 7
Buildings of other materials 49 18
From natural disasters 278 273
Buildings of reinforced concrete (concrete structure with slab and columns) 4 0
Buildings of bricks (with concrete slab) 27 32
Buildings made of bricks (without concrete beams) 256 253
Buildings of adobe (raw bricks) 3 3
From accidents and catastrophes 30 20
Buildings of panels (prefabricated) 10 0
Buildings of reinforced concrete (concrete structure with slab and columns) 6 6
Buildings of bricks (with concrete slab) 14 14

Note: The row "Residential buildings - total" contains the total number of all overwhelmed residential buildings and dwellings regardless of crisis events. Damages of buildings from fire are based on data from regional directorates to the Ministry of Interior. Damages of buildings from natural disasters and accidents are based on data from 264 municipal administrations.