Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | National Non-financial Accounts |
Contact name | Marin Gergov Radostina Partinova Hadil Shehebar |
Contact person function | Head of department State expert Chief expert |
Contact mail address | 2 P. Volov Str., Sofia 1038 |
Contact email address | |
Contact phone number | +359 2 9857 666 +359 2 9857 402 +359 2 9857 537 |
Contact fax number | |
Metadata update | |
Metadata last certified | 04 February 2025 |
Metadata last posted | 04 February 2025 |
Metadata last update | 04 February 2025 |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | The calculation and the regionalization of the gross value added (GVA) and GDP by region and economic activity groups enjoy common definitions and concepts used in the development of a standard system of national accounts for the country and underpin the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). The calculations follow the methodological consistency of the production method. The regional equivalent of GDP - gross domestic product by region, measured at market prices, as to the quantity of regional gross value added at basic prices added regionalized net taxes on products (taxes less subsidies). The sum of BVPR at market prices for all regions is equal to GDP at market prices for the national economy. |
Classification system | · Classification of Economic Activities (CEA-2008, for international use NACE.BG-2008); · National Classification of Economic Activities (NCEA-2003, for international use NACE.BG-2003). |
Sector coverage | Total of economy by regions |
Statistical concepts and definitions | The production approach GDP at market prices is calculated as the sum of gross value added at basic prices in the economy and adjustments, which include net taxes on products, non- value-added tax and import duties. Gross output (at basic prices) is the value of goods and services produced as a result of the production activity of resident units in annual period. It can be a market and non-market. Market is the output that is sold or realized otherwise market or is intended for sale or exchange in future periods at prices significantly affect the market demand and supply and cover the costs of producing goods and services. This output is calculated as the sum of: · Net proceeds from sales (less the book value of goods sold); · The cost of acquisition of fixed assets by economic means; · Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress. As a result of the price changes the value of inventories of finished goods and work in progress accumulate so-called holding gains / losses. To eliminate its influence, the value of gross output is adjusted for holding gains / losses. Is a non-market production, which is not intended for sale or other market conditions. It includes goods and services produced and used for their own final consumption or capital or provided for individual or collective consumption free of charge or at not economically significant prices. This production is estimated as the sum of all current expenses ( materials for outside services, labor, social security, etc. ) used to produce it Intermediate consumption includes the value of all goods and services, transformed or entirely consumed in the production process during the period, excluding consumption of fixed assets recorded as consumption of fixed capital (depreciation). |
Statistical unit | Enterprise, local unit of |
Statistical population | Economic territory of the country |
Reference area | Bulgaria |
Time coverage | from 2000 (Infostat) |
Base period | |
Unit of measure | |
BGN, thousand, million | |
Reference period | |
Year | |
Institutional mandate | |
Legal acts and other agreements | REGULATION (EU) No 549/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL |
Data sharing | Eurostat program to provide data on national and regional accounts. |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | · Law on Statistics; · Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. |
Confidentiality - data treatment | |
Release policy | |
Release calendar | The date of publication of statistical information is available in the Calendar for the results of statistical surveys of NSI. Statistical information is published annually: 24 months after the reporting period. |
Release calendar access | The calendar is available on the NSI website: |
User access | Data is published on the NSI website, section Macroeconomic statistics - Gross Domestic Product in accordance with the Law on Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice respecting the professional independence and aimed at objectivity, transparency and equal treatment of all consumers. |
Frequency of dissemination | |
Annually | |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | |
Publications | · Publication "Main Macroeconomic Indicators"; · Statistical Yearbook; · Statistical Reference book. |
On-line database | Data are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Macroeconomic statistics - Gross Domestic Product - Annual data - GDP - regional level: |
Micro-data access | Not applicable. |
Other | |
Documentation on methodology | European System of National Accounts (2010) (Eurostat). |
Quality documentation | |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | · European Statistics Code of Practice; · Common framework for quality management in the National Statistical System. |
Quality assessment | |
Relevance | |
User needs | |
User satisfaction | |
Completeness | |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | |
Sampling error | |
Non-sampling error | |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | Updated annual data - T +24 months after the reporting period. |
Punctuality | |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | |
Comparability - over time | |
Coherence - cross domain | |
Coherence - internal | |
Cost and burden | |
Data revision | |
Data revision - policy | In practice, the system of national accounts, there are two main types of revisions. The first type of audits is ongoing, regular characterized by the presence of new or updated statistical information based on statistical surveys or administrative sources. The second type of revisions is related to a change in the methodology and calculation procedures for specific statistical indicators. |
Data revision - practice | National accounts data are subject to continuous routine revisions as new input data becomes available. This will typically also entail revisions of the national accounts aggregates, which are derived from these data. In BG national accounts two types of revisions are: regular – preliminary, final data; and main - based on implementation of new methodology or GNI reservations. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data | • Statement of revenue and expenditure of enterprises, including the statistical annexes; • Labour Force Survey. |
Frequency of data collection | Yearly |
Data collection | Comprehensive sample (labour force) |
Data validation | |
Data compilation | |
Adjustment | |
Comment |
Statistical domain
Download in SDMX 2.1 file format: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - regional level - GDP
Metadata Structure Definition in SDMX 2.1: ESMS_MSD+BNSI+2.0+SDMX.2.1.xml
Download in SDMX 2.0 file format: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - regional level - GDP
Metadata Structure Definition in SDMX 2.0: ESMS_MSD+BNSI+2.0+SDMX.2.0.xml