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The National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus signed an Agreement on the cooperation in the field of statistics

Published at: 02.08.2018 - 15:35
The National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat) signed an Agreement on the cooperation in the field of statistics on July 19, 2018 in Minsk, Belarus. Mr. Sergey Tsvetarski, President of the National Statistical Institute signed the Agreement on behalf of Bulgaria and Mrs. Inna Medvedeva, Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee signed the Agreement on behalf of Belarus.

On the Bulgarian side, the signing was attended by Mr. Dimo Karadimov, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Minsk and Mr. Lachezar Nikolov, Head of the Commercial and Economic Office of the Embassy, and on Belarusian side – Mrs. Irina Kanhro,  Mrs. Olga Dovnar and Mrs. Elena Kukharevich, Deputy Chairpersons of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, as well as heads of Belstat’s structural directorates.

The two sides expressed their mutual interest in developing the cooperation on statistics, expanding the exchange of information and enhancing the interaction within the work of the two institutions. They agreed to develop cooperation in a number of areas such as statistical surveys methodology, classifications, system of national accounts, business statistics, price statistics, demographic and social statistics, population census, information technology, regional statistics, dissemination of statistical information.

Bulgarian-Belarusian cooperation will be implemented through exchange of publications in the field of statistics, exchange of good practices, development of joint projects in the field of statistical surveys, joint activities on preparation of population census, joint participation in international programs and projects, and trainings of experts from different areas of statistics.

This is the first visit of the President of the National Statistical Institute in Belarus and it will start a promising and fruitful cooperation. The signing of the agreement is a continuation of the policy pursued by the NSI for the development of bilateral cooperation with the European Neighborhood Policy (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). So far, the NSI has signed bilateral agreements with five of the countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine), and an agreement with the Republic of Moldova is in preparation.