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The National Statistical Institute and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Cooperation

Published at: 21.05.2018 - 17:20
The President of the National Statistical Institute Sergei Tsvetarsky and the UNICEF representative for Bulgaria Maria Jesus Conde signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the two institutions. The main objective of the document is to create a sustainable comprehensive system for monitoring the situation of children in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The main areas of cooperation under the Memorandum will be co-ordination and interaction in collecting and exchanging data, developing and introducing unified thematic indicators on children's status, analysis of the possibilities for introducing and subsequently applying of modules from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) for supplementing missing information on the situation of children and families in the Republic of Bulgaria.

When signing the Memorandum, both executives expressed their satisfaction with the future cooperation and noted that the two organizations have worked together on joint projects so far, but this document will allow for targeted and effective joint actions aimed at collecting and exchanging data related to the state of children in the Republic of Bulgaria in areas such as health, education, protection, justice, access to social services and other.

The meeting was attended by Jane Muita, who will take over the leadership of the UNICEF office in Bulgaria next month, due to the expiration of the mandate of Maria Jesus Conde. Her visit to the NSI was defined as a sign of continuity for future collaboration.