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‘Implementation of SDMX technical and statistical standards in the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria’ Project

Published at: 04.11.2015 - 16:10
In October 2015 the National Statistical Institute has started the ‘Implementation of SDMX technical and statistical standards in the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria’ project according to a Grant agreement 11152.2015.001-2015.245 of the European Commission.

The main objectives of the project are implementation and promotion of the SDMX technical and statistical standard for exchange of statistical data and metadata in the national statistical practice, and achieving of vertical integration between the National Statistical Institute and the European Statistical System.

The project duration is 24 months (October 2015 - October 2017) and NSI will work on the following main directions:

• Implementation of the ESS metadata standards at national level.

• Implementation of the SDMX technical and statistical standards.

• BNSI IT infrastructure and applications for SDMX.