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NSI successfully passed certification audit of quality of the electronic services provided in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008

Published at: 19.08.2015 - 17:30
During the period October 2014 - April 2015 the National Statistical Institute (NSI) developed and implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) of the electronic services provided in accordance with ISO 9001:2008. After the successful finalization of this stage a certification audit of the System was conducted by “Rina Bulgaria”, during which was determined full compliance of the QMS with the requirements of the standard. As a result NSI is evaluated and certified under the terms of ISO 9001:2008 for the activity ‘Electronic Services for Provision and Processing of Statistical Information for Citizens and Organizations’. The certification of NSI is a result of the successful completion of the second stage of Action 2 ‘Development of  an instrument for quality management in the National Statistical Institute’, which is part of the project entitled: ‘Improving the quality of services for citizens and businesses, establishment and implementation of clear, credible and unified procedures for development of electronic services through the implementation of a system for quality management according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard’. The project is funded by the Operational Programme ‘Administrative Capacity’, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.