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The National Statistical Institute has started work on the “Action plan for EU-SILC improvements” project

Published at: 10.10.2014 - 09:51
The National Statistical Institute has started work under the “Action plan for EU-SILC improvements” project since September 2014. The implementation of the project is in accordance with Grant Agreement with the European Commission № 07142.2014.001-2014.254.

The general objectives of the project are the timeliness of the EU-SILC data and the tests in the context of the preparation of the revision of the EU-SILC. In order to fulfill the main objectives of the action the following activities are foreseen:

  • Shifting of field work - conducting interviews in the period March - May;
  • Pilot collection of information using CAPI method;
  • Improvement of the data availability by 6 months starting from 2015;
  • Transmission of the early material deprivation, economic strain and ad-hoc modules variables at the end of the reference year;
  • Tracing of households from the 4th wave and their inclusion in the 5th and 6th wave of survey in order to assess the non-response rates and the sample attrition;
  • Preparation and test in view of the implementation of the precision requirements for the cross-sectional and the longitudinal component expressed in terms of standard error. Analysis of the current sampling design. Development/piloting of methods for variance estimation taking into account calibration and imputation;
  • Developing tests/piloting capacities for the new variables of the future every 3-year and every 6-year modules, already used for the first developed modules and ad-hoc modules and variables in the context of the current SILC.

The implementation of the project activities will contribute to the reduction of the response burden through the implementation of a combined survey method by using electronic devices and through the use of data from administrative registers for statistical purposes.

The revision of the EU-SILC survey is set as a priority in the annual work programme of Eurostat for the modernization of social statistics.

The duration of the project is 26 months and will end in October 2016.