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The NSI President Sergey Tsvetarsky will participate in OECD workshop on subjective well-being

Published at: 23.06.2014 - 09:30
At the invitation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the President of the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Mr. Sergey Tsvetarsky, will participate in a workshop on Subjective Well-Being: Measurement and Policy Use. The event will be held in the OECD Conference Centre in Paris, on 23 and 24 June 2014. With a Decision of the Council of Ministers as of 27 January 2011, the President of the National Statistical Institute is designated to represent the Republic of Bulgaria as an ad hoc observer during the meetings of the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy.

The two-day workshop aims to bring together data producers, policy professionals, and leading academics, to share their expertise on the best ways to measure subjective well-being, and the latest developments in using the data to improve policy-making.

The workshop will help to strengthen the network of practitioners that already exists in Europe, and build a deeper understanding of the subjective well-being concept for both data producers and data users. The agenda of the forum includes sessions on the following topics: “Concept and validity: Why measure subjective well-being?”, “Methodological issues and measurement approaches”, “Experiences from National Statistical Offices“, “Applying subjective well-being data to policy problems”, and “Next steps for the OECD Guidelines”.