PhD in „Geography” - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Institute of Geography, (now National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography).
Master’s degree in Geography - Sofia University “ST. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography.
She has been worked at the National Statistical Institute since 2005, holding various expert positions. Head of Statistics on Population and Housing fund Department since of January 2024.
The ‘Statistics on Population and Housing fund’ Department (SPHF) shall perform the following activities:
1. develop new and improve the existing methodologies in the field of demographic statistics, demographic processes, housing fund and demographic projections;
2. conduct statistical surveys included in the NSP in the field of demographic statistics, demographic processes (births, deaths, marriages and divorces, internal and external migration) and demographic projections;
3. be liable for operational planning and reporting of statistical surveys in the mentioned areas;
4. provide methodological support to other Bodies of Statistics and to public authorities maintaining administrative registers used for statistical purposes;
5. develop, coordinate and update the legislation in the field of demographic statistics, statistics on demographic processes, housing fund and demographic projections in compliance with the requirements of international standards and Eurostat;
6. prepare methodological developments, proposals and statements in the field of demographic statistics, demographic processes and demographic projections as well as within the NSI system and Eurostat;
7. prepare and provide data on population, demographic processes, housing fund and demographic projections necessary for general and specialized statistical publications, international questionnaires and information services to users;
8. participate in the work of departmental and interinstitutional working groups on the issues of demographic statistics, demographic processes, housing fund and demographic projections;
9. participate in the work of Eurostat and other international organizations in the form of working groups, task forces, seminars and other related to demographic statistics;
10. participate in the development and maintenance of registers, classifications and nomenclatures in the part of the population;
11. be liable for storage of statistical information in accordance with the Law on Statistics and the Law for Protection of Personal Data;
12. maintain and update ‘Demography’ Information System;
13. provide methodological support to the RSOs in the processing of the primary reports on demographic events;
14. update, maintain and provide access to data in the population of individuals and households of which the samples are selected for surveys of the NSI;
15. improve methodology and develop basic guidelines for conducting Population and housing censuses in accordance with Bulgarian and European legislation and international recommendations;
16. carry out international exchange of statistical information with Eurostat and statistical departments of international organizations in the field of methodology of Population and housing censuses;
17. coordinate the activities on preparation and coordination of tools for population and housing censuses with other state authorities and academic society;
18. cooperate with other structural units of the NSI, which are competent in the field of population and housing censuses, including through data exchange.