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For the first time Bulgaria will participate in the annual meeting of the Statistics Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Published at: 15.06.2011 - 09:35
The President of NSI Dr. Mariana Kotseva will participate in two important events for the European statistics: the 59th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) and the Annual Meeting of the Statistics Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The meetings will be held between 14th and 17th June 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The meeting of the CES will be held in Palais des Nations in Geneva between 14th and 16th June 2011. The meeting will be attended by the Presidents of the statistical institutions of more than 50 states and several international organizations including: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Economic Commission for Europe, UN, UNICEF and World Trade Organization. Eurostat and European Central Bank will participate on behalf of the European Union. During the plenary session there will be an overview of statistics on education and issues related to this topic will be discussed. Participants will be informed of the outcome of the in-depth review of the CES Bureau of the use of secondary and mixed sources of official statistics, observations of time-budget, information society, and statistics on innovation, technology and research. Two important documents will be discussed: “Impact of globalization on national accounts” and the revised Guide of the Canberra Group on Statistics of household income. During the conference two workshops on “Organization for collecting and providing data management challenges for the implementation of SDMX” and “Measuring human capital” will be held. NSI has prepared and sent for discussion Bulgaria's position on all issues on the agenda of CES. During the forum, Ms. Mariana Kotzeva will have several meetings with heads of statistical offices in the region.
This year for the first time Bulgaria was invited to participate in the annual meeting of the Statistics Committee to the OECD which will be held on 16 - 17 June 2011 promptly after the meeting of the CES. The invitation is in connection with the start in the last year of an application procedure of Bulgaria to the status of "Regular observer” in the Statistics Committee to the OECD. The agenda of this eighth session of the Statistics Committee will discuss matters related to its development strategy for relations with other non-member countries, and there will also be presentations of a new project in the field of national accounts and a report for the so-called "green growth indicators”. During the meeting issues related to the measurement of progress, prosperity and sustainable development, and new visual aids for the dissemination of statistical information will be discussed. New members of the Committee in the face of Estonia and Slovenia will make short presentations on changes in national statistical systems.
Participation in this high forum will provide Bulgaria with the opportunity to examine closely the work of the Statistics Committee and possible areas for cooperation and mutual benefits. Bulgaria is expected to be admitted as a regular observer till the end of 2011. The membership of Bulgaria in the Statistics Committee of the OECD will be a very important step in the further strengthening the authority of the Bulgarian statistics not only within the European statistical system, but also globally.